Both international of businesses and an increasing level of globalization have had a significant impact on how businesses plan and view their global marketing strategy (Wang & Yang, 2011). Subject terms: Globalization, standardization, adaptation, Middle-East, Marketing advertising, culture, marketing communication strategy Abstract The thesis topic is decided based upon the preference, experience, interest and background of the authors. Cultural adaptation is a relatively new concept used to define the specific capacity of human beings and human societies to overcome changes of their natural and social environment by modifications to their culture. In these markets, Starbucks first started serving tea, allowing the consumers to become comfortable with the brand, post which they offered their signature products to them. the second part, the comparison of two marketing strategies: adaptation versus standardization. Le principal problème, outre les événements fortuits, vient d’une difficulté d’adaptation et de réaction, et d’une perception du marché complètement différente suivant la culture : pour la culture occidentale, la Logan paraissait être une voiture low-cost, alors que pour un employé indien de classe moyenne, elle représentait près de trois fois un salaire annuel. Le marketing [1], ou la mercatique [1], [2], [3], est une culture organisationnelle (d’entreprise, d’association, etc. Généralement, l'adaptation d'un produit est valorisée par le client local, mais augmente les coûts de développement et de production. For a global brand and the largest coffee house chain, Starbucks had humble beginnings. A business may change its brand name in a new market where there is heavy usage of a foreign language. As time passed, the most successful companies began to expand their brands beyond their home countries and become known in global markets. Marketing analysts noticed that 43% of South Korean citizens had an online profile or blog, and that 90% of the 20-29 years old demographic logged into social media at least once a day. The subject of marketing strategy and marketing mix element adaptation versus standardization has been the subject of much marketing research and debate. Ce mémoire tente de démontrer qu'il n'y a pas une réelle culture mondiale homogène, mais que l'adaptation et la standardisation sont toutes deux, également, des réponses extrêmes. Since there are many potential factors influencing the appropriateness of such a strategy, it is difficult to say when it is best relative to a standardization approach.In international marketing, adaptation is an essential … The cost effectiveness of adaptation strategies depends on the similarities or differences among the selected markets. Do you need a transcreation partner to help your marketing communications resonate with local flavour in other markets? Le marketing digital est un art de la souplesse et de l’adaptation : il s’agit de répondre aux évolutions permanentes en repérant les usages avec rapidité, efficacité et créativité. La clé du succès est là. Sports, music, food, fashion, and hobbies are all culture. Your email address will not be published. In Japan, Starbucks created the right atmosphere at its outlets in line with the country’s culture. The commercial embraces multiculturalism and rejects racial prejudice faced by many Muslim Americans in the United States. Definitions of culture Culture is so complex that it is difficult to define. L’adaptation de la stratégie de communication internationale de la marque se traduit par la définition et la mise en œuvre d’une politique de communication spécifique pour chaque marché national. Adaptation strategies involve changing the price, promotion and packaging of a product, or even the product itself, in order to fit the needs and preferences of a particular country. To adapt t o a different culture is to face a big challenge and to follow a new system of rules in the specific group, which requires an open mind According to N.Al.Pop and Dumitru Pop, I. Adaptation strategies may be as simple as tweaking the logo and the colors of the packaging, or may involve developing new flavors better suited to the local palate or new financing models more fitting for the local economy. This marketing adaptation strategy enables the company to reach more consumers all over the world. Adaptation examples … start small Starbucks has been an aspiration brand in China. While everyone is made up of a similar genetic make-up, cultural upbringing leads people to laugh, eat and even drink differently. Les vendeurs ont encore bien souvent une orientation vente plutôt qu’une orientation client. The marketing strategies can accomplish to appeal to the market once the marketer knows what elements entice a multicultural consumer to purchase. These economies have their own cultures and languages. Services / Adaptation marketing. Multicultural marketing goes beyond a strategic tactic and is more a responsibility for marketers to consider inclusivity and multicultural perspectives in their brand narratives. As the Chinese consumer love to meet in groups, so the company has stores in China comprising tables that can be put together to accommodate groups. The importance of the same could be understood from America’s fast-food chain, Starbucks present almost everywhere in the world. De même, les produits liés à la culture exigent une adaptation du marketing mix. Adaptation occurs when any element of the marketing strategy is modified to achieve a competitive advantage when entering a foreign market. The turnover of BQTV in different segments in 2009. The U.S., U.K., Canadian and Western European markets have been found to be broadly similar, making standardization strategies feasible. Chaque entrepreneur ou chef de projet, lors de l'ouverture d'une entreprise, se concentre presque exclusivement sur … Degree of standardization and adaptation of three levels of the product or service. Pourquoi adhérer à l'afm? Unlike the other small disc-shaped vacuums on the market, the Vacu-Bot is an actual 4-foot tall robot that not only vacuums your carpet but lifts up your furniture and vacuums underneath it. As would be the case when introducing a new product in the domestic market, the adapted marketing strategy must be expressed in terms of product, price, distribution and promotion aspects, coordinated to achieve specific objectives within the new market. Le marketing est un univers en soi, pratiquement impossible à traduire tel quel. The best way to determine when and where along your customer journey to adapt content campaigns, imagery and messaging for specific markets, is to build test and learn programs to measure differences in effectiveness. Mcdonald Adaptation In India Marketing Essay. Environmental Adaptation Needed To adjust and adapt a marketing program to foreign markets, marketers must be able to interpret effectively the influence and impact of each of the uncontrollable environmental elements on the marketing plan for each foreign market in which they hope to do business. Because making new advertisements, packages and product lines is expensive, standardization requires less investment than adaptation. To sum up, brands need to display a genuine understanding of the needs and roots of their consumers in their marketing strategies to survive because multicultural marketing is not more a niche. Relationship marketing, Adaptation, Standardization, Cross-cultural marketing! While most robotic vacuums take hours to vacuum a single room, Vacu-Bot only takes a few minutes and does a much more thorough job. Cultural factors play a major role in determining whether or not business operations in a global market … Product adaptation is the process of modifying an existing product so it is suitable for different customers or markets. Furthermore, the connection between culture and marketing was explained, and the concept of marketing variables is introduced. L’adaptation peut constituer une part importante de la stratégie d’une entreprise qui souhaite vendre ses produits dans un pays étranger. Copyright 2021 Leaf Group Ltd. / Leaf Group Media, All Rights Reserved. Savoir s’entourer est primordial. Someone conveying they are comfortable with you and happy with what you bring to the table creates value that’s hard to find elsewhere. Companies must be able to adapt their products, but, in the same time, to keep the note of originality, so that the global image of brand to gain consistency. On the other hand, marketing Asian products in the U.S. and African products in Europe (or vice versa) would probably require adaptation, allowing firms to develop marketing strategies that better fit the local needs. Firms often adapt their market strategies when entering foreign markets, even in a global era where many brands and products like cola beverages and fast food outlets are nearly universally prevalent. So, what did Starbucks do differently? In Saudi Arabia, the logo of Starbucks had to be changed into a crown with waves, preceding the mermaid because the topless mermaid in the company’s logo was viewed as pornographic. With the help of its better adaptation of multicultural marketing, Starbucks can adapt to the tastes of different cultures, managing to convince consumers in other locations to drink coffee, an impressive approach particularly in Asia where tea is the preferred drink. M360 PANORAMA NEWSLETTER. To adapt to a different culture is to face a big challenge and to follow a new system of rules in the specific group, which requires an open mind These range from reverse-racism ads to soda campaigns depicting patriotism which make a powerful statement against racial prejudice. The brands which fail to understand this will be left behind in the race. Adaptation de la stratégie marketing international. Hindus represented 80 per cent of the population whilst Muslims were 12 per cent. Multicultural marketing focuses on connecting with diverse audiences, specifically those whose culture falls outside the majority market. La seule chose que l'on puisse prédire est que votre entreprise sera contrainte à s'ada Si chercheurs et praticiens s’accordent sur l’importance de la Gestion de la Relation Client (GRC), force est de constater que les pratiques de la force de vente sont souvent éloignées de ce discours. FIGURE 9. For example, Denmark has strict requirements regarding food supplements – manufacturers are not allowed to use certain words on the labels or claim that their … The diversity of people and thought; diversity of work experiences, religions, nationalities, hobbies, political beliefs, races, sexual preference, age, musical tastes, and even favorite sports teams. The first one is Hofstede‟s cultural dimensions and the second Trouver un emploi; Proposer un emploi; Devenir membre. Secondly, the authors presented the different academic definitions of culture and cultural adaptation, which is fundamental to the subsequent investigation, narrowing down the discussion of “adaptation” strategy to “cultural adaptation”. If done right, it gives rise to brand awareness, loyalty, and builds genuine customer relationships. Sales of Vacu-Bot have been strong in the United States - so strong that the executives at Vacu-Bot … Implementation of international market expansion strategy involves strategic-level decision making in relation to global branding strategies, the choice of market entry strategies such as wholly-owned subsidiaries, exporting, licensing, or forming joint-ventures, as well as, deciding on the level of standardisation or adaptati… Culture, at its core, is a shared passion for distinct common experience. There is a need to establish a brand which can be applied globally or could be altered in order to fit in the local markets. The concept of Brand Adaptation calls for the reuse and a minor change in the visual, typographical or messaging elements of a brand and its overall branding strategies by the firm. L’adaptation de produit correspond au processus où un produit est changé pour répondre aux besoins des clients dans un marché autre que celui dans lequel on le fabrique. For instance: These instances rightly portray innovative multicultural marketing tactics that Starbucks used to create market superiority in different markets it catered to. It is the practice of tailoring marketing efforts specifically to local communities, cultural practices, and unique identities. Adaptation allows a company to individualize its marketing strategies and optimize itself for success in international markets. With the help of its better adaptation of multicultural marketing, Starbucks can adapt to the tastes of different cultures, managing to convince consumers in other locations to drink coffee, an impressive approach particularly in Asia where tea is the preferred drink. Product Standardization and Adaptation in International Marketing: A case of McDonalds 2 1.2 Problem discussion When MNCs expand their products to international markets they have to consider the two approaches of standardization and adaptation in order to formulate their global product strategy. How do brands like McDonald's adapt their brands for different cultures? If your small business plans to market to consumers in foreign markets or establish business operations overseas, it will be crucial to adapt to each market. Once a firm has taken the decision to adapt its marketing strategy, it must assess its objectives and resources in light of the characteristics of the new foreign market it is entering. Product adaptation allows companies to expand their reach and enter new markets – the above examples show exactly how it works. This is especially important for small or mid-sized companies making their first foray into international waters. Those adaptation decisions coalesce into an adaptation strategy that can influence the competitive position of the firm and, in turn, its performance in foreign markets. Pour que votre marque conserve son authenticité dans d’autres cultures, vos communications marketing doivent être adaptées. Dans le domaine des images, il arrive souvent de devoir remonter ou compléter les films publicitaires pour s'adapter aux croyances et éventuels "tabous" des pays visés. In other words, standardisation and adaptation strategies do not have to be mutually exclusive; however, an adequate … Starbucks in response to their resistance served them with Vienesse coffee, a hot coffee (or chocolate with cream), along with offerings of some continental items. Un traducteur de marketing quant à lui doit traduire avec finesse pour être en harmonie avec la culture de la langue cible. Consumers often make purchasing decisions based on social, personal, cultural, and physiological factors so the companies should conduct adequate market research before customizing their strategies towards different segments of consumers. Le marketing de l'adaptation par Michel Hébert aux éditions L'Harmattan. However, you are likely to find taking culture into consideration in your marketing content pays off in effectiveness. Le marketing international La démarche d’internationalisation 3 approches possibles : a) Standardisation totale Une stratégie marketing identique sur l’ensemble des marchés : pratique d’un Marketing global pur b) Adaptation totale Adoption d’une stratégie marketing spécifique à chaque marché étranger ou à une zone définie (ex. Brand Adaptation: Global & Local Branding Companies that adapt to a culture that is familiar and foreign in nature and do so through global and local branding in a process is known as glocalization. Si on prend l'exemple du DVD, la stratégie adoptée était la même au Japon, en Amérique du Nord et en Europe. We use your LinkedIn profile and activity data to personalize ads and to show you more relevant ads.