Then comes, the Faculty of Languages (4851) and the Faculty of Arts (13%). Also known as the IAE of Lyon, its main campus is located in the historical complex of the "Manufacture des Tabacs" in the heart of Lyon, France. Hélène Salaville, Master 2 Management et Administration des Entreprises en formation continue, promo 2019 À la suite de l’obtention de mon diplôme d’ingénieur de l’INSA de Lyon, en 1995, j’ai intégré l’INPI, Institut National de la Propriété Industrielle, à Paris, en tant qu’ingénieur brevet. Lyon is a centre of study with 12 educational establishments, universities and specialized schools and more than 100,000 students. UJMstarted accepting students in 1973. This institution also has a … Accès depuis l'extérieur : uniquement pour les membres de l'Université Lyon 3 après authentification dans l'intranet. Accès directs | L’Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 offre 10 mentions de licence, 17 mentions de licences professionnelles, 3 DUT, 51 mentions de master, 36 doctorats. La Faculté des langues propose 4 mentions en master : Langues, Littératures et Civilisations Etrangères et Régionales; Langues Etrangères Appliquées Exchange students Non-exchange students Research lecturers. There is also the opportunity to study applied foreign languages. The university is a member of the University of Lyon, the Coimbra Group and the European University Association (EUA). It offers courses in French literature and the Classics. Founded in 1956 the IAE of Lyon has 6300 students in 2007 (including 2000 in postgraduate studies), accounting for more than 28% of the 22,300 students at Lyon 3 University. [9] The Law faculty also includes the department of political science : international relations (international security, diplomacy, francophone studies) propose the preparation of master 2 international relations ranked 5th among the best master's degrees in international security and defense by SMBG ranking 2015. You are. [21] The university is located on three different campuses: the first one, called "Les Quais", is by the Rhône (river), the second, called "Manufacture des Tabacs" in the SE part of Lyon, and the last one in Bourg-en-Bresse (Ain department). The Faculty of Law of Lyon celebrates 130 years, largest centre for law students from the city of Lyon, it has all the legal training of the first year Degree tray until 8 (or more). Clo Billard, Lyon III University - Jean Moulin, Philosophie Department, Graduate Student. Suite aux décisions gouvernementales de confinement, nous vous apportons les informations liées à notre Université. It has three campuses in Lyon. Claude Bernard Lyon 1 is part of Université de Lyon, the most important French University site outside the Paris region. It is under the purview of the Academy of Lyon. Student satisfaction: 3.4 / 5.0 (126 reviews) Click to rate University rankings (2) #1001 #258 : QS World University Rankings [10 June, 2020] #319 #28 : World University Ranking 2020 - Europe [21 September, 2020] IELTS English test. In addition to the 150 some professors at the IAE, 400 executives from private, external companies contribute to the education. Lyon 3 University is often found in the rankings of top France’s 40. The various courses offered include four bachelor's degrees (Licence), eight professional bachelor's degrees (Licence professionnelles), nine master's degrees (with 40 specializations) and preparatory courses for the chartered accountants examination. The faculty also in includes departments of history, geography, and media and communication. Courriel: Connexion, L'Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 propose des formations dans les grandes disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales : Droit, Science politique et relations internationales, Francophonie, Gestion, Management, Comptabilité, Philosophie , Langues, Lettres, Histoire, Géographie et Aménagement, Information et Communication au sein de, Centre lyonnais d'histoire du droit et de la pensée politique, Équipe de Droit International, Européen et Comparé, Équipe de recherche de Lyon en sciences de l’Information et de la COmmunication, Francophonie, mondialisation et relations internationales, Histoire, Archéologie, Littératures des mondes chrétiens et musulmans médiévaux, Institut d'études de stratégie et de défense, Institut d'Etudes Transtextuelles et Transculturelles, Institut d'Histoire des Représentations et des Idées dans les Modernités, Institut de Recherches Philosophiques de Lyon, Laboratoire de recherche historique Rhône-Alpes, Laboratoire d'InfoRmatique en Image et Systèmes d'information, Géographie - Aménagement du territoire - Environnement, Information - Communication - Documentation, Finance - Contrôle - Audit - Comptabilité, Accompagnement du service de la Recherche, Préparation concours / examens & diplômes. It is home to Interpol as well as hundreds of NGOs. Le projet de recherche MERGING - Integration for migrants, piloté par deux chercheuses de l'iaelyon, a obtenu un financement de 3 millions d’euros sur 3 ans dans le cadre du programme européen Horizon 2020. Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University. You are an exchange students: you are coming to study at Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University through a partnership agreement with their home university. Bourg-en-Bresse Campus . University ranking. Jean Moulin University Lyon 3. Nous remercions l'Université Cergy Pontoise, qui a mis à disposition ses ressources des MOOC de préparations au C2I au format libre de droit. The Faculty of Languages of Lyon 3 includes studies in foreign languages and civilizations (the LCE), learning of foreign literatures, cultures, history of languages. NEWS. [11][12] The law school offers several joint programs in business law with EM Lyon business school,[13][14] in criminal science with the faculty of medicine of university of Lyon,[15] in security studies with France's National Police College. Other students attend the Faculty of Philosophy, or programmes such as professional short-term degree. [5][6] These two cities, Lyon and Beirut, were both on one of Silk Roads, which started in China and ended in Lyon ; intellectual, artistic and industrial interests converged. [2005 figures], Coordinates: .mw-parser-output .geo-default,.mw-parser-output .geo-dms,.mw-parser-output .geo-dec{display:inline}.mw-parser-output .geo-nondefault,.mw-parser-output .geo-multi-punct{display:none}.mw-parser-output .longitude,.mw-parser-output .latitude{white-space:nowrap}45°44′53″N 4°51′38″E / 45.748031°N 4.860506°E / 45.748031; 4.860506, List of public universities in France by academy, Établissements publics à caractère scientifique, culturel et professionnel, Instituts nationaux des sciences appliquées, École nationale d'ingénieurs de Saint-Etienne (ENISE), Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale, Centre international d'études supérieures en sciences agronomiques, Conservatoire national des arts et métiers, École nationale supérieure des sciences de l'information et des bibliothèques, École nationale vétérinaire, agroalimentaire et de l'alimentation, Nantes-Atlantique, Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales, Institut national du sport, de l'expertise et de la performance, Institut national supérieur des sciences agronomiques, de l'alimentation et de l'environnement, Institut supérieur de l'aéronautique et de l'espace, Institut supérieur des sciences agronomiques, agroalimentaires, horticoles et du paysage, School for Advanced Studies in the Social Sciences, Communities of universities and institutions, Leonardo da Vinci consolidated University, Federal University of Toulouse Midi-Pyrénées, Polytechnic University of Hauts-de-France, École normale supérieure de lettres et sciences humaines, École supérieure de chimie physique électronique de Lyon, Public universities in France, by academy, "L'Université de Lyon : historique | Au coeur de Lyon", "The Lyon Law School's international relations", "Classement SMBG 2015 : plusieurs Masters de la Faculté de droit mis à l'honneur", "Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 N°5 au classement Masters Sécurité Globale et Défense, Master 2 Mention Science Politique – Relations Internationales, Spécialité Sécurite Intérieure", "Université Jean Moulin Lyon III - Lyon Law School", "Programme Grande Ecole à l'école d'entrepreunariat - emlyon", "Diplôme interuniversitaire Sciences criminelles", "Symposium : les enlèvements de mineurs à l'international – Compte-rendu | Centre Notarial de Droit Européen", "Lyon 3 et Handicap International : le partenariat est lancé ! The Faculty of Arts of Lyon complements and collaborates with the University Lyon 2 and the ENS de Lyon. Manufacture des Tabacs campus Find out more. Cambodia was also the scene of the development of the Lyon Law School, before the Vietnam War. Jean Moulin University Lyon 3 (French: Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3), also referred to as Jean Moulin or Lyon III, is a multidisciplinary public university in Lyon, France, based in Law and social sciences. Non-exchange students You are a non-exchange student : you are coming to study at Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University on an individual basis and not as part of a university partnership agreement. La BU Chevreul reste bien évidemment ouverte les week-ends aux horaires habituels (10h-18h). Du 11 au 22/01 (période d'examens) les BU @univ_lyon2 élargissent leurs horaires d'ouverture en semaine⏰(9h au lieu de 10h). All three public universities in Lyon (Lyon 1, Lyon 2, Lyon 3) are derivative of the former University of Lyon established in 1896. ! It is also famous in the field of Business Law, thanks to its master's degree in Business and Tax law , coupled with the most famous degree in the field of business Law in France:[8] DJCE (DJCE stands for "Diplôme de Juriste Conseil en Entreprise" or Corporate Jurist Diploma in English). University Lyon 3 was established in the early 1970s (26 July 1973), a division of teachers following the events of May 68 that rocked the academic world. L'Université Jean Moulin a adopté le 3 novembre 2020 une charte pour la science ouverte, actant ainsi son engagement en faveur du libre accès aux publications et aux données issues de la recherche. In June 1996, Lyon was the location of the G7 summit. Riverside campus Find out more. In Lyon the main building of the university is located. Navigation | Quite frequently, the Dean of the Lyon Law School had previously been or was to become a Dean in Beirut or Phnom Penh. Moot Court : LL.M Lyon 3′ Team is in final ! There are also departments of geography-planning, the engineer of the countryside in Annecy and history, and a faculty of philosophy with more than 90 doctoral students. In the latest edition of the Gourman Report (6th ed, 1993), it was ranked 1st among France's provincial universities, and 5th among European universities, behind Paris, Oxford, Cambridge and Heidelberg. A humanities and social sciences university in the heart of Lyon Find out more. University Lyon 3 was established in the early 1970s (26 July 1973), a division of teachers following the events of May 68 that rocked the academic world. (*prior the division of the University of Lyon). Claude Bernard Lyon 1 is a university that provides teaching for 45,000 students a year in the fields of science and technology, health and sport. Retrouvez toutes les informations officielles de l'université Jean Moulin-Lyon 3, recommandations, évolutions de situation, mesures mises en place... régulièrement mises à jour durant le confinement. For the third time, the LL.M of the Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University sent a team of 4 students to participate in the competition: Dominika Kaminska (Sweden), Eleanor Anderson Vaughan (Canada), Pavle Levkovic (Canada) and Thomas Hughes (Canada). The Lyon Law School, was created by decree issued on 29 October 1875, by Marshal Mac Mahon, was inaugurated by French President Felix Faure on 1 May 1896. There are also departments of geography-planning, the engineer of the countryside in Annecy and history, and a faculty of philosophy with more than 90 doctoral students. Information Covid Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. The school is highly internationalized and has an alumni network of 30,000 former students throughout the world. [citation needed], Because of past extreme-right tendencies of some of its staff, the university was accused in the 1980s and 1990s of complacency with regard anti-Semitic and racist elements. Visite virtuelle de L'Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, Manufacture des Tabacs En vous connectant via ce portail, vous vous engagez à respecter la charte régissant l'usage du système d'information de l'Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. [citation needed], The university has steadily expanded its international relations and has relations with universities in various countries. All three public universities in Lyon (Lyon 1, Lyon 2, Lyon 3) are derivative of the former University of Lyon established in 1896. Vous êtes ici sur le module AutoFormaPix, module d'autoformation aux outils numériques et de préparation à PIX, conçu par le Pôle d'Accompagnement à la Pédagogie Numérique (PAPN) de l'Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. [10] In 2008, it launched its own LL.M in International and European Law. La formation supérieure proposée par l’Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 est essentiellement structurée selon l’architecture européenne de l’enseignement supérieur, dite … The Report on racism and Holocaust denial at the University Jean Moulin-Lyon 3, prepared under the direction of Henry Rousso at the request of the Minister of Education and released in October 2004, showed that the number of teachers involved was limited. Charte pour la science ouverte de l'Université Lyon 3. [citation needed]. ", "Where global solutions are shaped for you | News & Media | NEW PERMANENT REPRESENTATIVE OF DJIBOUTI PRESENTS CREDENTIALS TO DIRECTOR-GENERAL OF UNITED NATIONS OFFICE AT GENEVA",, Educational institutions established in 1973, Instances of Infobox university using image size, Pages using infobox university with the affiliations parameter, Articles with unsourced statements from June 2017, Articles with unsourced statements from November 2017, Wikipedia articles with SUDOC identifiers, Wikipedia articles with WORLDCATID identifiers, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License, School of Business administration (IAE, Institut d'Administration des Entreprises), German, English, Arabic, Chinese, Russian, Polish, Greek, Hebrew, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Hindi, Pedro Damas, PhD, Co-Founder "Escola International Inc." (, André Cruz, PhD, Co-Founder "Escola International Inc." (, This page was last edited on 14 January 2021, at 22:54. The biggest school in terms of number of students is the Faculty of Law (10,460), the Business School (IAE) with (8,578). Founded in 1809, Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 (Jean Moulin University Lyon 3) is a non-profit public higher-education institution located in the large city of Lyon (population range of 500,000-1,000,000 inhabitants), Auvergne-Rhone-Alpes. [16], The faculty organise conferences with INTERPOL, France's National Police College (ENSP) and Handicap International on a regular basis.[17][18][19]. [7], The law school is known for research of history of law and family law. The Institute of Comparative Law was created by Édouard Lambert in 1920, and now bears his name. Lyon 3 University or Université Lyon 3 (UJM) - public higher education institution in France. L'Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 propose des formations dans les grandes disciplines des sciences humaines et sociales : Droit, Science politique et relations internationales, Francophonie, Gestion, Management, Comptabilité, Philosophie , Langues, Lettres, Histoire, Géographie et Aménagement, Information et Communication au sein de six Facultés et Instituts. Since its establishment, Lyon has played a major role in Europe's political, cultural and economic development. The Faculty of law also proposes the preparation of master 2 business and financial engineering ranked 7th, Master 2 audiovisual & media law ranked 4th among the best master's degrees by SMBG 2015. The professorial staff of the Faculty of Philosophy of Lyon 3 includes, or has included : The IAE, standing for Institut d'Administration des Entreprises (Institute of business administration), is the school of business of the Jean Moulin University Lyon 3. Before the First World War, the Lyon Law School founded the Law school of Beirut, in Lebanon. Bureau n°127 à la Manufacture ©2021 Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. Studies Philosophie, Philosophy, and Political Philosophy. Accès dans les locaux Lyon 3 : pour les membres de l'Université Lyon 3 et les lecteurs extérieurs inscrits dans une bibliothèque Lyon 3. The IAE of Lyon is one of the top French institutions for research and training in management. Téléphone: 04 26 31 88 60. Les activités de formation et de recherche dans les secteurs des sciences de la santé, des sciences et technologies et des sciences du sport, situent L'Université Lyon 1 au tout premier rang des universités françaises, quels que soient les critères retenus. [citation needed]. RECHERCHE 2 chercheuses de l'Université lauréates d'un projet européen.