[35] All of the Druze living in what was then British Mandate Palestine became Israeli citizens after the declaration of the State of Israel. During the 1970s about 163,000 people of Jewish descent immigrated to Israel from the USSR. Elle est le résultat d’un long processus. Elle a atteint environ 250 000 âmes à la fin des années 1940, soit environ 10 % de la population, avant de baisser drastiquement après la création d'Israël en 1948. La population juive d'Israël représente 14,4 °/0 de la population juive du monde (contre 5,8 °/0 en 1948, et 0,8 °/0 en 1925). Education between ages 5 and 15 is compulsory. [104], Other forecasts project that Israel could have a population as high as 23 million, or even 36 million, by 2050.[105]. The Maronite Christian community in Israel of around 7,000 resides mostly in the Galilee, with a presence in Haifa, Nazareth and Jerusalem. The growth rate of the Arab population has slowed from 3.8% in 1999 to 2.2% in 2013, and for the Jewish population, the growth rate declined from 2.7% to its lowest rate of 1.4% in 2005. Elle élit ses propres membres à la Knesset et des juges arabes siègent à la Cour suprême de Justice. September 14 – The Supreme Court of Israel is officially inaugurated in a ceremony in Jerusalem. Au moment où a été créé l'État d'Israël en 1948, la population israélienne juive atteignait déjà 558 000 (58 %), et les Israéliens arabes, au nombre de 405 000, étaient minoritaires (42 %). Présente depuis l'Antiquité, renforcée au XVe siècle par l'expulsion des juifs d'Espagne, elle a atteint environ 250.000 âmes à la fin des années 1940, soit environ 10% de la population. [43][44][45] A fluctuating segment of Baháʼís consists of those on the Baháʼí pilgrimage.[46]. [69], In the constitutional challenges to the Citizenship and Entry to Israel Law, the state, represented by the Attorney General, insisted that security was the only objective behind the law. Of this 33,568 were Jews (34,031 in 2005 & 33,421 in 2000). La guerre civile éclate immédiatement entre ces deux populations. Most of those foreign workers engage in agriculture and construction. The old Syriac Orthodox monastery of Saint Mark lies in Jerusalem. Israel - Israel - Establishment of Israel: The Zionist militias gained the upper hand over the Palestinians through skill and pluck, aided considerably by intra-Arab rivalries. Later Ariel Sharon, in his capacity as Minister of Housing & Construction and member of the Ministerial Committee for Immigration & Absorption, launched an unprecedented large-scale construction effort to accommodate the new Russian population in Israel so as to facilitate their smooth integration and encourage further Jewish immigration as an ongoing means of increasing the Jewish population of Israel. The 650 or so foreign national Baháʼís living in Israel are almost all on temporary duty serving at the shrines and administrative offices. Over the last decade, large numbers of migrant workers from Romania, Thailand, China, Africa and South America have settled in Israel. En 1947, dans un contexte tendu marqué par de nombreuses violences, alors que le mandat anglais sur la Palestine se termine bientôt, l’ONU propose un plan de partage du territoire entre populations juives et arabes. The 1948 war, which the Israelis referred to as the “War of Independence”, claimed 6,000 Israeli lives – but this was only 1% of the nation’s population. The growth rate of the Arab population in Israel is 2.2%, while the growth rate of the Jewish population in Israel is 1.8%. Gold maintains that calculation of Jewish emigration has been a contentious issue, explaining, "Since Zionism, the philosophy that underlies the existence of the Jewish state, calls for return home of the world's Jews, the opposite movement—Israelis leaving the Jewish state to reside elsewhere—clearly presents an ideological and demographic problem. The State of Israel has a population of approximately 9,227,700 inhabitants as of July 2020. [84], There were a total of 38,666 deaths in 2006. Le 14 mai 1948, l'Etat d'Israël proclama son indépendance.Moins de 24 heures plus tard, les armées régulières d'Egypte, de Jordanie, de Syrie, du Liban et d'Irak envahissaient le pays, contraignant Israël à défendre la souveraineté qu'il venait de recouvrer dans sa patrie ancestrale. Selon l’Office central de la Statistique, il y a aujourd’hui 8,68 millions d’habitants en Israël. À l'ONU (Organisation des Nations Unies), il a été prévu en effet de partager l'ancienne province ottomane de Palestine entre cet État et un État palestinien regroupant les populations de langue arabe. Nov 07, 2011 6:41 AM. Some of them, having a Jewish father or grandfather, identify as Jews, but being non-Jewish by Orthodox Halakha (religious law), they are not recognized formally as Jews by the state. Some 688,000 immigrants came to Israel during the country’s first three and a half years at an average of close to 200,000 a year. L'événement s'inscrit dans la légalité internationale. Since Israel’s founding in 1948, 3.3 million people have immigrated to the country, 44% of them arriving since 1990. L'immigration a empêché la langue hébraïque de progresser au même rythme que la population. Israel's population grew by 138,000 since last Yom Ha'atzma'ut, a growth rate of 1.8%. Although Armenians of Old Jerusalem have Israeli identity cards, they are officially holders of Jordanian passports.[38]. Ethnic Russians, Ukrainians, and Belarusians, immigrants from the former Soviet Union, who were eligible to emigrate due to having, or being married to somebody who has, at least one Jewish grandparent and thus qualified for Israeli citizenship under the revised Law of Return. The State of Israel was declared after the end of the civil war, which was raging for six months in Palestine after the vote by the United Nation to partition Palestine between Palestinian Jews and Arabs. Other than followers of the Syriac Orthodox Church, there are also followers of the Assyrian Church of the East and the Chaldean Catholic Church living in Israel. [40], Although most people of Finnish origin in Israel are Finnish Jews who immigrated to Israel, and their descendants, a small number of Finnish Christians moved to Israel in the 1940s before independence and gained citizenship following independence. Note: includes over 200,000 Israelis and 250,000 Arabs in East Jerusalem, about 421,400 Jewish settlers on the West Bank, and about 42,000 in the Golan Heights (July 2007 estimate). 5 May (independence of 1948) ISO Codes: IL, ISR: Demonym: Israeli: Tourists : 4,120,863 people (2018) Very strong growth of the population. Overall, the forecast projected that 49% of the population would be either ultra-Orthodox Jews (29%) or Arabs (20%). Hebrew and English language are mandatory subjects in the Israeli school system, and most schools offer either Arabic, French, Spanish, German, Italian, or Russian. En 1945, 5,1 % des 11 millions d'Israélites du monde se trouvaient sur les 20 700 km2 du territoire d'Israël, élevé au rang d'État en 1948. At the same time, 10,500 Israelis came back to Israel after over one year abroad; 84% were Jews, 9% Others, and 7% Arabs.[91]. There are around 300,000 foreign workers, residing in Israel under temporary work visas, including Palestinians. [22] The term "city" does not generally refer to local councils or urban agglomerations, even though a defined city often contains only a small portion of an urban area or metropolitan area's population. Yearly average since last census conducted 27/12/2008", "Society at a Glance 2014 Highlights: ISRAEL, OECD", Regions and territories: The Golan Heights, Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, "Barrier Report July 2009. En 1948-1951 , environ 687 000 personnes sont arrivées sur les côtes de l’État d’Israël. ", "Distrust in Dimona – Magazine – Jerusalem Post", "Israël: une visite chez les Hébreux noirs", "Black Hebrews mourn the man who led them from Chicago to Israel", "Tales of African-American History Found in DNA", "Illegal in Israel – The Story of Juan and Josie", "Israel says it is going to help more Syrian refugees from Aleppo", "Population in Israel and in Jerusalem, by Religion, 1988 - 2016", "The other Israeli conflict: with itself", "Why Covid-19 Has Spread Among Israel's Ultra-Orthodox", "Statistical Abstract of Israel 2014 – No. The territory of Israel can be defined in a number of ways as a result of a complex and unresolved political situation (see table below). [61] By 2020, they were 12% of the population.[62]. Muslim TFR was measured at 3.73 for 2009. [30] The vast majority of Arab Bedouins of Israel practice Sunni Islam. As of 2019, Arab citizens of Israel comprised 21 percent of the country's total population. [47] Most of them came to Israel in between 1976 and 1979, after prime minister Menachem Begin authorized their admission to Israel and granted them political asylum. Oui, le pourcentage de chrétiens arabes en proportion à la population d’Israël a décliné depuis 1948, mais cela résulte d’une augmentation des populations juives et musulmanes du pays. Their ancestors were black Americans who after being expelled from Liberia have illegally immigrated to Israel in the late 1960s by using tourist visas, requesting that Israel provide them legal citizenship status. Bookstore Glossary Library Links News Publications Timeline Virtual Israel Experience. [33], As of December 2013, about 161,000 Israeli citizens practiced Christianity, together comprising about 2% of the total population. In a 2012 ruling by the Supreme Court on the issue, some of the judges on the panel discussed demography, and were inclined to accept that demography is a legitimate consideration in devising family reunification policies that violate the right to family life.[70]. Ancestrally, they claim descent from a group of Israelite inhabitants who have connections to ancient Samaria from the beginning of the Babylonian Exile up to the beginning of the Common Era. Increase in the Arab population due to Palestinian Refugees from the territory of the new state of Israel to the West Bank and Gaza Strip during the first Arab-Israeli War (1948-1949) ** Decrease in the Arab population between 1960 and 1970 due to Arab refugees from the 1967 War. La majorité d’entre eux étaient des survivants des camps d’extermination nazis situés en Europe, ainsi que des membres de communautés dont la migration provenait des pays arabes d’Asie et d’Afrique du Nord. [25] Among them, 70.3 percent were Sabras (born in Israel), mostly second- or third-generation Israelis, and the rest are olim (Jewish immigrants to Israel)—20.5 percent from Europe and the Americas, and 9.2 percent from Asia and Africa, including the Arab countries. Après la proclamation de l’État d’Israël en 1948, il était venu enfant avec ses parents. Calculation based on East Jerusalem area of 346km2 being 97% west of the barrier, and 9.5% of the West bank including East Jerusalem being in the Seam Zone", "Trump acceptance of Israeli control of Golan sparks protests", "Area C Humanitarian Response Plan Fact Sheet September 2010. Armenians have a Patriarchate in Jerusalem and churches in Jerusalem, Haifa and Jaffa. [54] The African Hebrew Israelites, like the Haredim and most Israeli Arabs, are not required to serve in the military; however, some do so. De l'autre, des populations palestiniennes très majoritairement musulmanes, équivalentes en nombre à la population juive (en 2000). The demographics of Israel are monitored by the Israel Central Bureau of Statistics. Population. Some naturalized foreign workers and their children born in Israel, predominantly from the Philippines, Nepal, Nigeria, Senegal, Romania, China, Cyprus, Thailand, and South America (mainly Colombia). In 1948 there were just 806,000 people in Israel and at the time, the global Jewish population was 11.5 million, and just 6% were in Israel. Non-Jewish population growth and immigration is regarded as a threat to the Jewish demographic majority, and to Israel's security[citation needed], as detailed in the Koenig Memorandum. Arab citizens of Israel comprise 20.5% of the country's total population. 22 000 km2 si l’on inclue la zone contestée du plateau du Golan occupée par les troupes israéliennes. It is including those born within the state borders subsequent to this time, as well as those who had left during the establishment of the state (or their descendants), who have since re-entered by means accepted as lawful residence by the Israeli state (primarily family reunifications). This means that by the end of the century, Israel’s population will be more than double what it is today. Selon le relevé des statistiques d’Israël pour 2016, un peu plus d’1 million de Juifs et 113,800 musulmans vivaient en Israël en 1949. [citation needed]. 12 thoughts on “ Population de Jérusalem de 1844 à 1948 : Les musulmans ont toujours été minoritaires mais osent réclamer la souveraineté sur la ville Sainte ” Armand Maruani 19 décembre 2017 at 19 h 54 min. Israel granted their requests. 65 Subject 2 – Table No. Ses nombreuses faveurs faites à l’État hébreu ont gonflé sa cote de popularité. A certain degree of English is spoken widely, and is the language of choice for many Israeli businesses. The Holon community holds Israeli citizenship, while the Gerizim community resides at an Israeli controlled enclave, holding dual Israeli-Palestinian citizenship. [6] Il s’exprimait dans notre langue comme s’il n’avait jamais quitté le pays. There is a large community in Kababir, a neighbourhood on Mount Carmel in Haifa. "Israeli emigration inspires anger and fear;", CS1 maint: bot: original URL status unknown (, United Nations Security Council Resolution 478, United Nations Security Council Resolution 497, administrative divisions of the Oslo Accords, 2000 withdrawal of IDF from South Lebanon, Illegal immigration from Africa to Israel, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Demographic history of Palestine (region), Demographics of the Palestinian territories, "Monthly Bulletin of Statistics – October 2019", "Israeli population to soar to 15.2 million by 100th anniversary – Israel News – Jerusalem Post", "Growth Rate. Overview. [49][51] With a population of over 5,000, most members live in their own community in Dimona, Israel, with additional families in Arad, Mitzpe Ramon, and the Tiberias area. Mise à jour 07 janvier 2021. TFR for Arab residents in the West Bank was measured at 2.91 in 2013,[94] while that for the Jewish residents was reported at 5.10 children per woman. A Moshav shitufi near Jerusalem named Yad HaShmona, meaning the "Memorial for the Eight", was established in 1971 by a group of Finnish Christian-Israelis, although today, most members are Israeli, and are predominantly Hebrew speakers, and the moshav has become a center of Messianic Jews. Videos of academic lectures posted on the official YouTube VOD (video on demand) channel of, This page was last edited on 18 January 2021, at 16:17. Aucun conflit n'a été davantage médiatisé en Occident, dans la seconde moitié du XXe siècle et en ce début du XXIe siècle, que celui qui oppose l'État d'Israël à ses voisins arabes. About 32% of the population is expected to be Haredi. ), Female: 3.84 deaths/1,000 live births (2013 est.). The state also added that even if the law was intended to achieve demographic objectives, it is still in conformity with Israel's Jewish and democratic definition, and thus constitutional. The boost the victory gave to the Israelis was huge and put into perspective the 6,000 lives lost.