The General Management Program (Master MAE), flagship degree of iaelyon School of Management, offers an overall vision of Business Administration and a set of skills in General Management to participants of various academic and professional backgrounds: engineers, doctors, lawyers etc.
The General Management Program (Master MAE), flagship degree of iaelyon School of Management, offers an overall vision of Business Administration and a set of skills in General Management to participants of various academic and professional backgrounds: engineers, doctors, lawyers etc.
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La formation est à la fois concrète et internationale, puisque les éleves du BBA INSEEC de Lyon doivent faire des stages ainsi.. Conservatoire national supérieur … Master en Management Territorial Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 - iaelyon School of Management , ranked n°48 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking
Masterprogramme im Bereich Management … Université Jean Moulin
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and incoming students (only for Master 1) + results to TOEIC or TOEFL or IECTS English Test + professional project (CV and cover letter). Kompetenzen. Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3 Choose a Master, an MS or an MBA in Purchasing The Sector of Purchasing This sector of business is a field that involves managing the practice of buying and …
emlyon is a leading international and european business school in France. Connection, iaelyon School of ManagementLearning Experience.
06220381 - Entrepreneurship and innovation, 06210609 - Organizational models and dynamics, 06310160 - Project and performance management, 06350036 - Management information systems, 06260159 - Preparation to research in international management, 06260158 - Introduction to international business, 06220382 - International corporate development, 06220383 - Ethics and corporate social responsibility, 05260090 - International Business Intelligence, 06260164 - Legal environment of international business, 06200774 - Methodology of the final thesis, 06210618 - Organisational Behaviour in an international context, The Master's Degree International Business Realities Brochure,, A dynamic program firmly focused on International Management, Multicultural classroom and high level of interactivity due to the small size of the group, Internship and Career Center providing IBR students with personalized guidance and employability support, Double degree with the prestigious University of Economics VSE Prague, with University of Pavia or the University of Tübingen, High-level research team in international management. iaelyon School of Management
You forge your own path and build a personal international management program and career plan according to your wishes, interests and priorities with an essential educational postulate: step out of your comfort zone to reveal …
iae lyon School of Management - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. 2017 MOCI (Monitor for International Commerce) ranking for International Commerce programs: two iaelyon Master’s programs and one iaelyon MBA nominated. The French version of the GMP (MAE) is also taught in several foreign countries: Poland (Lodz), Hungary (Budapest) and Czech Republic (Prague). Master 2 students are furthermore invited to an individual interview if they passed the first selection round.
iaelyon is one of the largest French University-based School of Management. Overall they tend to be highly represented in general management and marketing positions. Selection is made on the basis of an application file : academic results + results to Score iae Message test or TAGE MAGE or GMAT tests for international outgoing
der Organisation und seiner Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen. > Apply online
Prerequisites for enrolment : Bac + 3, Bac + 4. Im Schnitt dauern Masterstudiengänge in Deutschland zwei bis vier Semester. … Die Studierenden erwerben im Rahmen des Studiums ein umfassendes und über das Studium hinausgehendes … Completing the 1st year of the Master’s in International Business Realities opens the doors to the 2nd year of the Masters’ in this specialiIity or in any other related speciality in France or at one of the international partner Universities of iaelyon School of Management. either a three-year national University degree (Bachelor’s or 180 ECTS credits) in a speciality compatible with the requested Master’s or having a strong management component; or, under the same conditions, a degree or state-approved level 2 title or a title approved by a national regulation at the same level; or a three-year foreign University degree in a specialty compatible with the requested Master’s. GMP graduates are hired in a wide variety of positions and diverse business sectors in accordance with their previous education and past experience. Die typischen Leitungsfunktionen und Aufgaben des Managements sind die Planung, die Organisation, die Führung und die Kontrolle des Unternehmens bzw. Therefore, thanks to this strategy and consulting Master of Science, you will develop the skills and reinforce your intercultural abilities to work worldwide in multicultural teams (learning trip in Boston and academic semester in Shanghai). Study in Lyon - France Master in Management Presentation; Detailed program; Program / Courses; Admissions; Contact The program aims to give students the ability to evaluate the complexity of the international business arena by providing them with analytical tools for decision-making processes. Jedes Modul besteht aus einer oder mehreren Lehrveranstaltungen (Vorlesung, Seminar u.a.). Think International
(15 ects), S3B - General Management Program Connection, iaelyon School of ManagementLearning Experience. The program of the Master’s International Business Realities is also available to professionals in Life-Long Education and in Validation of Professional Experience. Find Master's Degrees in Lyon in France 2021. (15 ects), S4A - General Management Program (15 ects), 06230107 - Accounting & Financial Analysis, 06350003 - Management of Information Systems, 06210227 - Organizational Behavior and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), 06210228 - Human Resource Management (HRM), 06200227 - Written essay and oral presentation methodology, 06240531 - Innovation management and new product development, 99010489 - Professionalization experience and dissertation,, Ranked in the Top 10 Master’s Degrees in management in France by the Eduniversal 2018 ranking, Multicultural classroom and high level of interactivity due to small size of the group, Internship and Career Center providing GMP students with personalized guidance and employability support, The GMP is designed for pre-experience students and executive practitioners in Continuing Education, The degree earned after completion of the program and presentation of the Master’s Thesis, based on the mandatory internship, is a National Degree accredited by the French Ministry of Education and Research, Executive practitioners in Continuing Education. Continuing Education/Executive Applicants:
6 Cours Albert Thomas - 69008 LYON
The program focuses on the development of double-skills and its strength lies in its general approach of business and management concepts targeting multidisciplinary and multicultural participants. Master of Science (M.Sc.) The rich diversity of iaelyon program portfolio enables each student to find a program suited to his or her professional project and therefore to realize his or her potential. This does not include the national enrollment fees (243 € for a Master’s degree), the French social security and other living expenses. Master 2 - General Management Program, GMP
Master Marketing et Commercialisation de Produits de Grande Consommation . (15 ects), S4B - Professionalization Das Master-Studium Business Management.
Academic partnerships: business cases are put to the test. Studiengang So laden wir Sie herzlich ein, an unserer Infoveranstaltung über Zoom teilzunehmen. (14 ects), Semester 2 - Specialization Navigation |, iaelyon School of Management
The diploma being taught in … Das Master-Portal Deutschlands -Tipps zum Masterstudium, Master-Suche mit Studiengängen aller Fachbereiche, Infos zu Hochschulen, Termine der Master Messen. Datum: 02. Why Lyon?
See the Ranking 2019: Master 2 Management des Achats . > International non-exchange students
Go to content | Da sehr vielen unterschiedliche Bereiche des Managements … Fallstudien und teamorientierte Projektarbeit bereiten dich im Masterstudium auf deinen zukünftigen beruflichen Alltag vor. 4 to 6 months internship with an international management mission in France or abroad - Master thesis and defense (APRIL-SEPTEMBER). Lyon 17 formations 3 médias 3 messages 8 avis Licence de Droit ... Master en management du développement durable ; BBA INSEEC compte deux campus en France dont un situé à Lyon. Der Studiengang gliedert sich in drei Bereiche: den grundlegenden Masterbereich, den … Université Lyon 3 Jean Moulin. Ph. The fees do not include the mandatory French Social Security (approximately 215 Euros/year) and other living expenses.
The program targets : Selection is made on the basis of an application file : academic results + results to TOEIC or TOEFL or IECTS English Test (if English is not the native language of the applicant) + professional project (CV and cover letter).
This Top ranked French school of management proposes international programmes: MBA, MSc in Management, Hospitality, Innovation and Masters and executive education. Program Fees for international non-exchange students : 6,000 euros per participant for the full academic year. Located at the heart of the European Union, Lyon is France’s largest city after Paris and home to over 1 700 000 inhabitants. Deine Vorkenntnisse aus einem technischen oder einem anderen ähnlichen Bachelorstudium werden optimal gefordert und gefördert. Université Jean Moulin
(15 ects), S3B - International Business Realities 1C, avenue des Frères Lumière CS 78242
This Master’s is designed for committed students with a solid prior curriculum, having an international focus, being proficient in English and other foreign languages, being able to adapt rapidly and prepared to engage in an intensive academic program. We kindly remind you that: - GMAT™ and GRE™ will be valid for 5 years - English test … Master 2
Firms and organizations operate all around the world. (24 ects). Master Business Management (Fachrichtung) | Das Management bezeichnet die Leitung von Unternehmen und Organisationen. It makes it possible to attract to Lyon and France jurists of great expertise who, within the framework of an international competition, choose France. Master Entrepreneuriat et Management des Entreprises Nouvelles iaelyon School of Management - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3, ranked n°77 at Eduniversal Bests Masters Ranking Master in Europa - studiengänge im zweiten Studienzyklus. Präsentation: Infoveranstaltung Hohenheimer Management-Master (HMM) Aufzeichnung der Infoveranstaltung am 28.01.2020; Pro Semester müssen (i.d.R) fünf Module erfolgreich absolviert werden. der Organisation und seiner Mitarbeiter und Mitarbeiterinnen. Direct access | Semester 2: January to beginning of April: Academic program, April to July: Internship, Semester 3: September to beginning of January, Semester 4: 6-month internship starting from January or later. Bachelor’s - Master’s - Ph.D. - DBA Program Portfolio in a multi-cultural and international setting, supported by a network of highly involved companies. In Kombination mit Kenntnissen aus dem Management wirst du so zu einer … 1C, avenue des Frères Lumière CS 78242
Throughout the Master of Science in Management program, we will teach you how to learn, unlearn and relearn. Minimale … PARTNERSHIPS WITH PRESTIGIOUS SCHOOLS
Meet the real needs of recruiters. Aufbau des Studiums und Zulassung zum Masterstudium Management . Designed for both French and international students the GMP is a full-time program entirely taught in English by iaelyon faculty members as well as international Visiting Professors and practitioners. Go to content | Master (MSc, MA, etc.)
: +33 (0)4 78 78 76 73
: +33 (0)4 78 78 71 88
Campus Manufacture des Tabacs
Die Hochschule Studienwahl. Das Management bezeichnet die Leitung von Unternehmen und Organisationen.Die typischen Leitungsfunktionen und Aufgaben des Managements sind die Planung, die Organisation, die Führung und die Kontrolle des Unternehmens bzw. IT ist ein Fachbereich, der heutzutage stark gefragt ist. Management international - manager Europe-pratique européenne des affaires. Das Programm European Master in Management (EMM) ist ein zweijähriges Masterprogramm der Hochschulen EM Lyon, LMU München und Aston Business School. Education: students in the Master’s in International Business Realities (IBR) are questioning “interculturality” through videos. Management et administration des entreprises - management général. Tuition fees for international non-exchange students : 6,000 Euros per participant for the full academic year. Genau genommen habe ich mich nicht für eine Hochschule entschieden, sondern für drei. (20 ects), S3A - International Business Realities Register. Navigation | Description: The M.Sc. The quality of life and high level of higher education programs on offer, combined with a dynamic and growing economy, makes Lyon one of Europe’s most attractive academic and economic centers. 69372 Lyon cedex 08 France, Completing the 1st year of the Master’s in International Business Realities opens the doors to the 2nd year of the Masters’ in this specialiIity or in any other related speciality in France or at one of the international partner Universities of, Semester 1 - Specialization Long-lasting program, academically renowned, the GMP benefits nowadays from a strong recognition in the job market. The GMP is designed for a diverse audience, i.e. Email:, International non-exchange students :
Unterrichtssprache: Französisch Ph. International non-exchange students please contact :
Tailor make your program . Pre-Experience Master’s Students:
The Master in Management «Grande Ecole» programme is a generalist pre-experience program. (15 ects), S4B - General Management Program Internal applicants: students applying for the Master 1 and holding an iaelyon Bachelor’s in Management Science will benefit from specific admission conditions. The TBS Master in Management has a practical focus and is … > International non-exchange students
Université Jean Moulin
The LL.M in International and European Business Law degree from the Faculty of Law of Jean Moulin Lyon 3 University is one of the few program in France offering a specialization in English in Law. participants with a non-business background: engineers, doctors, lawyers etc.
Februar 2021.
To register for the EasySPEAKing online test, please send an email to - An official management aptitude test score: GMAT™, GRE™ or TAGE MAGE® (eGSCore 2 / GMAT™ Online exam / GRE® General Test at Home will be accepted until August 2020.) 1C, avenue des Frères Lumière - CS 78242 - 69372 LYON CEDEX 08 (FRANCE), iaelyon School of Management
Link: Infoveranstaltung zum Master-Studiengang Management. iaelyon offers an attractive Bachelor’s-Master’s-Ph.D.-DBA Program Portfolio in a multi-cultural and international setting and is supported by a network of highly involved companies. The TBS Master in Management. Language: French Aufbaustudium des zwieten Grades- Master's degree.
emlyon business school has always partnered … Sign In. in Management - European Triple Degree (ETD) is a two-year general management course, offered as a joint program of emlyon business school (Lyon, France), Lancaster University Management School (Lancaster, UK) and the Munich School of Management. iae lyon School of Management - Université Jean Moulin Lyon 3. Ph : +33 (0)4 26 31 87 45
Der Master IT Management bietet dir eine hervorragende Qualifikation für diese beruflichen Tätigkeiten. Direct access | Der Master Management gewährleistet dir eine effektive, praxisnahe Anwendung der angelernten Theorien und Strategien der Unternehmensführung. interessieren Sie sich für den Master in Management? Uhrzeit: 18.15 Uhr . 69372 Lyon cedex 08 France, S3A - General Management Program Ph: +33 (0)4 26 31 86 38
Ce Master enseigne la théorie et le management socio-économiques selon une approche globale et trans-fonctionnelle de la performance à court, moyen et long termes. Courses abroad are taught both by local Professors in the language of the country and visiting iaeyon faculty members. Partnerships established with renowned engineering schools (INSA, Polytech Lyon, ECAM, ENTP) and other notorious institutions (Sciences Po Lyon) allow students to coordinate their postgraduate studies and their core degree. Nabila GASMI
TBS Master in Management students experience a highly professionalised curriculum, in English or French, across our campuses and in partner universities worldwide, allowing them to develop true expert skills, increase their employability and decide their future as business leaders. Deutsch Version. It trains future managers to be entrepreneurially-minded, socially responsible, interculturally aware with a global perspective and equips them with professional … Ph : +33 (0)4 78 78 71 88 -
Students will also develop their communication, leadership and … Mit einem Master Abschluss erlangst du nach einem grundständigen Studium, wie einem Bachelor, Diplom oder Magister, einen zweiten akademischen Grad. More information (Professionals in Long-Life Learning)
Enrolment procedures
Oft ist das Studium auch in Teilzeit möglich, dauert dann allerdings länger. En 1ère année de Master, deux parcours sont proposés aux étudiants : ► Parcours Management, Conseil et Gestion PROGRAM ORGANIZATIONThe Master’s in International Business Realities is divided into 4 semesters organized as follows: The internship is a period of exposure to a professional environment during which students acquire professional skills and apply the knowledge they gained during their curriculum in order to earn a degree or qualification and foster their professional integration.THE CONTENT OF THE MASTER IN IBR (803 HRS), Master 1
Wer eine Promotion anstrebt, muss üblicherweise ein … The minimum duration of the internship is 12 weeks (on a full-time equivalent basis) for the Master 1 students and 6 months for the Master 2 students (on a full-time equivalent basis).