width: 25px; .hub_icon img { } } } .half_size { width: 46%; } 1er Prix : Lenka Kovacikova Master RH de l’Université CLERMONT AUVERGNE, 2ème Prix : Sophia MEKSI Master RH DE L’ UNIVERSITE de LYON, Responsable pédagogique : Catherine GLEE - VERMANDE, 2ème Prix ex aequo : Insiya BOUDHABHAY Master RH de L’Université de ROUEN, Responsable pédagogique : Bérangère GOSSE, La remise des prix a eu lieu durant le diner de Gala de l’Assemblée Générale d’Amiens, Regardez le témoignage de Insiya BOUDHABHAY du Master RH de L’Université de ROUEN. margin-bottom:60px; Accueil > Concours > Résultats de l'année scolaire 2019/2020. /************************************************/ /* non numbered lists */ border: 1px solid #c1c1c1; } .hub_title{ /*specification for hub icon images*/ border-bottom: 0px; ul.image_number{ } Bella FERREIRA. Le réseau Référence RH remercie sincèrement tous les candidats à l'Odyssée photo 2019 et félicite les lauréats ! padding: 11px 3% 0px 3%; /*buttons for moving forward and backward between the images*/ float:left; 2019 RESULTS Congratulations to all participants in the 2019 International Genetically Engineered Machine competition! float:left; /*image caption*/ page_url = page_url +wgPageName.substring(0, wgPageName.indexOf('/')); color:#ffffff; display:none; .half_size, .two_thirds_size, .third_size, .three_quarter_size, .quarter_size, padding-left: 4%; font-weight: bold; function load_these_items ( source_page , destination_div ) { margin: 30px auto; border-top: 4px solid #F42534; /*add extra space to page break with clear class*/ 1. /* 1602px */ line-height: 18px; .igem_logo_mobile img { /**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ // load desired content function font-family: Freeroad_Regular; width: 40%; /* div for menu items (hubs or not)*/ /*submenu and subsubmenus access button styling */ } .deadline_content { .submenu_item{ padding-left: 16%; padding-right:0; font-size:75% } .collapsible_accordion_content.hide_content { .image_controller.prev::before{ width: 30px; break; font-weight: bold; } color: #10996a; opacity: 0.5; } float: left; } .igem_content_wrapper p { //mobile menu access .igem_content_wrapper h5 { font-size: 130%;} } /************************************************/ /*styling change when hovering or active*/ .clear.extra_space { /**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ right:0%; Nous aimerions surtout remercier les Comités de problèmes pour leur dur travail. .igem_menu { width: 100%; float: left; position: relative; max-width: 100%;} $(".current_hub .igem_submenu").fadeToggle(400); } page_url = page_url+wgPageName; } border-radius: 15%; float: left; display: flex; text-align: center; .igem_content_wrapper h6 { font-size: 120%;} width: 10%; width:80%; border: 1px solid #0a5157; .highlight.post_item > .details > .title { .navigation_button { 2 Certification en langue française requise par Campus France. width:-webkit-calc(100% -270px); }); .igem_mobile_menu_bar { } Retrouvez les informations de nos formations. width: 25px; /**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ 0 Moins d’une minute. } function highlight_current_page_menu() { /************************************************/ margin-right: 20px; .highlight.decoration_red_top, .highlight.post_item.decoration_red_top { var clicked_image_number = 0; padding-top: 0; .igem_menu_wrapper {width:15%; right:0%;} color: #797979; } /*font sizes for all the h titles*/ } padding: 5px 0px; /**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ /************************************************/ padding: 10px 0px 4px 19%; Das Springreiten hat in der Aachener Soers eine lange Tradition. list-style: none; .winners_box_wrapper, .nominees_box_wrapper { padding: 0px; width: 100%;} padding: 5px 0px; margin-top: 0; font-size: 9px; text-decoration-color:#0a5157; line-height: initial; width:25px; }); page_url ="https://2019.igem.org/"; font-size: 130%; margin:auto; font-size: 130%; .igem_content_wrapper td { display: block; src: url(https://2019.igem.org/wiki/images/2/26/2019_freeroad_font.ttf); display:none; break; .half_size img, clear: both; color: #00a19c; .column.full_size > .highlight.post_item > .column.quarter_size { break; /* CONTENT OF THE PAGE */ padding: 30px 0px 20px 0px; position:fixed; Résultats Parcoursup à 17h mardi ! color: #ffffff !important; page_url ="https://2019.igem.org/"; padding: 0px 0px 15px 0px; padding: 0px; } width:20px; float:left; slider_counter+=1; margin:0; padding-top:5px; background-color: #f2f2f2; break; background-color:#0a5157; } width: 100%; body {background-color:white;} } border: 1px solid #00A19B; background-color: #fff; content: "+"; background-color:#00A19B; .subsubmenu_item { 29-04-2019 : Résultats Ligue FO à Oyonnax ( 27-28 Avril 2019) Calendrier / Résultats. width:100%; font-family: Freeroad_Bold; } background-color:#e8e8e8; .navigation_button:hover, .title_extra:hover+.navigation_button, .navigation_button.active_navigation_button:hover { } } } margin-top: -7px; /************************************************/ text-decoration: underline; /************************************************/ content: "+"; font-family: Freeroad_Regular; .igem_menu_item:hover, .highlight {padding:15px 5px;} text-align: center; height: 25px; $(".current_page").parent().next().toggleClass("showing"); #home_logo, #sideMenu, #sideMenu, #top_title, .patrollink {display:none;} .highlight.decoration_full, .highlight.post_item.decoration_full { .submenu_item.current_page, .submenu_item.with_subsub_menu{ width:68%;} .highlight.post_item > .details > .icon { } .nominated_teams ul { /* submenu access icon "+" "-"*/ transition: all 0.4s ease; $("ul.image_number li:nth-child("+controller_number+")").addClass("current_image_number"); } } .igem_column_wrapper{padding-top:25px;} border-top: 1px solid #848484; $(this).next().fadeToggle(400); background-color: #e8e8e8; width:100%; /*Button */ setInterval(function(){ text-align: center; .submenu_access::before { width:100%; $(".submenu_access").click(function(){ clear: both; @media only screen and (max-width: 1100px) { display: inline-block; padding:0px; max-width:100px; margin-top: -60px; text-decoration: none !important; float: left; .expand_content.control_button::before { .submenu_item { if( controller_number <=1 ){ #content {width:100%;} .expand_content.control_button:hover { Baccalauréat : Notre formation a lieu durant l’année de Terminale. Les Concours de cette annéeretentissaientdesuccès,avecdesmoyennesde31,3et29,1,respectivement. width: 30px; } 16.00 Ziehung Wettbewerb «BMA Tage 2019» Tirage au sort du concours «Journées TAB 2019» Sorteggio concorso «Giornate TAB 2019» 16.05 Schlusswort, Ende der Tagung Conclusion, fin de la journée Conclusione, fine del congresso 191267_labmed_Programm_BMA_Tage_2019.indd 7 11.03.19 08:45. text-decoration:none; .igem_menu { controller_number = 1; @media only screen and (max-width: 1602px) { .igem_content_wrapper h3 { font-size: 150%;} /**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ }); .igem_content_wrapper h4 { font-size: 140%;} //open the hub $(document).ready(function() { margin-right: 15px; height: auto; 17.11.2019 Stuttgart – Das 35. Les résultats complets du Concours Général Agricole 2019 Ecrit par Christophe Hamieau le 04 Mar 2019 | Commentez Pendant 4 jours, du 23 au 26 février 2019, le Salon International de l’agriculture a, comme à chaque édition, accueilli les épreuves du Concours Général Agricole, pour … background-color: #e8e8e8; h1.center_content, You have to enable javascript in your browser to use an application built with Vaadin. }, .title_award_track{ color: #c1c1c1; .hub_title{ width: 68%; padding-left:0%} ul.image_number li.current_image_number, ul.image_number li:hover{ .on_page::after{ } @media only screen and (max-width: 1450px) { width: 90%; content:"▶"; .full_size_image { .highlight p, .highlight h3, .highlight h4, .highlight h5, .highlight h6 { switch ( wgUserName) { } .submenu_item.with_subsub_menu:hover, } } Merci à toutes et à tous. clear:both; border-radius: 15%; //if image_slider exists, activate the automatic rotation slider and functionality } .third_size img, margin: 3px; } max-width: 1400px; height: 25px; } Tous les résultats des concours sont disponibles sur notre site https://sdis-nyon-dole.ch/fvsp-2019/les-resultats-des-concours color:#ffffff; text-align: center; $("ul.image_slider li:nth-child("+controller_number+")").addClass("current_image"); .highlight.decoration_top { .submenu_access.showing { /**************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************/ Référence RHMaison des Sciences de Gestion1 rue Guy de la Brosse75005 Paris, Mentions légalesTous droits réservés© 2016Contact. /************************************************/ width:40px!important; } }, On this page you will find the winners and nominees for the: Track Prizes, the Awards, Medals: Gold, Silver, and Bronze, The International Genetically Engineered Machine (iGEM) Foundation is an independent, non-profit organization dedicated to the advancement of synthetic biology, education and competition, and the development of an open community and collaboration. Les demi-finalistes peuvent obtenir la vidéo de leur discours en écrivant à : archives_drac@yahoo.fr src: url(https://2019.igem.org/wiki/images/1/1f/2019_freeroad_bold_font.ttf); }); .button { border-bottom: 1px solid #dcdcdc; ul.image_number li{ RESULTATS CONCOURS 2019 Catégorie Amateur Niveau Concertiste (11 juin 2019) 1er Prix (unanimité) Sofia TIAR (France) 2e Prix Viorica IZVORANU (Roumanie) 3e Prix Chenzha ZHOU (Chine) Prix Spéciaux Amateurs Virtuoses . float:left; background-color:#dcdcdc; hide_HQ_info(); display:none; clear:both; font-size: 100%; padding-bottom: 1px; .collapsible_accordion { padding: 5px 0; /* table cells */ height: 25px; float:right; $(".current_hub .igem_submenu").fadeToggle(400); /*Expand collapse --- REVIEW THIS ANA*/ } padding: 6px 1.5px 0px 1.5px; text-align:center; 6. $("#HQ_info").show(); }); .hide_content, // if sub menu has a sub sub menu - open it padding:5px; } background-size: 25px 25px; } 57 . .submenu_item.with_subsub_menu.current_page { border-bottom:0px; $(".collapsible_accordion_access").click(function(){ } case 1: float: left; color:#ffffff; margin-top: -10px; /************************************************/ color: #ffffff; border: 4px solid #00a19c; .column img { width: 96%; padding: 2% 0px;} border-width: 2px; background-color: #00a19c; margin: 1% 2%; PROMOTION 2020. d'élèves Classés. } .title_extra.support_item { float:left; font-family:Arial; padding:0px; } } content:""; /* text */ .multiple_links a{ display:block; .button a:hover { } $("ul.image_slider li.current_image").removeClass("current_image"); overflow-x: hidden; .content_control::before { content: "+"; } }); padding-top:5px; padding: 0px 30px 0px 15px; .read_more.show_less::before{ float: left; .highlight.post_item > .details > .icon.notice:after { } text-decoration:none; }, 5000); Présentation et préparation; Calendrier et inscriptions ; Résultats et listes; Espace candidats; Recrutement. color: #797979; /*styling for all images*/ Liaisons Sociales en parle dans son magazine de JUIN 2019. menu_functionality(); slider_counter = $("ul.image_slider li.current_image").index()+1; .collapsible_accordion_access:hover { border-radius: 7px; PROMOTION 2020. d'élèves Classés. /*styling for a submenu item*/ switch ( (wgPageName.match( /\//g ) || []).length ) { background-size: 25px 25px; float: left; p.center_content, content: "–"; /* subwrapper to center content */ /* submenu access styling if its inside a submenu */ page_url = page_url +wgPageName.substring(0, wgPageName.indexOf('/')); height: 25px; } ul.image_slider li{ border-bottom: 2px solid #c1c1c1; .igem_submenu{ .track_navigation> img:hover{ float:left; page_url = page_url +wgPageName.substring(0, wgPageName.lastIndexOf('/')); } } } load_these_items ( "https://2019.igem.org/Sponsors #all_sponsors", "load_sponsors_here"); font-size:14px; 20-05-2019 : Résultats GP Beretta à Oyonnax ( 17-19 Mai 2019) Calendrier / Résultats. float:left; /*Post items*/ /*read more class for large sections of text*/ $(this).next().fadeToggle(400); } /*if the image is the current one, display it*/ } /* this is the icon for when the content is expanded */ font-family: Freeroad_Regular; /*submenu wrapper*/ .read_more_text{ font-weight: bold; Taken in Algiers, Algeria.