the Internal Regulations of the National Assembly before their application and their modifications; the conflicts of attribution between the Institutions of the State. The Public assets are sacred and inviolable. The State and public collectivities have the duty to see to the physical, mental and moral health of the family, particularly of the mother and of the child. He may not take part, either by himself or by others, in the public and private markets of the State and of its separated parts. The convocation of the electors is made by decree taken in the Council of Ministers. four (4) Deputies that the National Assembly elects from within its members after each general renewal; three (3) magistrates of which one (1) is proposed by the Court of Cassation, one (1) by the Council of the State and one (1) by the Court of Accounts. 130, c’est la Cour qui reçoit le serment du Président de la République, lors de son investiture, avant son entrée en fonction. The State sees to the elderly through a policy of social protection. Aux termes des art. No one may receive for one ballot more than one delegation of the vote. PDF generated: 12 May 2020, 22:19 This complete constitution has been generated from excerpts of texts from the repository of the Comparative Constitutions Project, and distributed on The Government may, for the execution of its program, request of the National Assembly the authorization to take by ordinance(s) for a limited time period, the measures that are normally of the domain of the law. The domicile is inviolable. A complete record of the debates is published in the Journal Officiel. The law determines the composition, the organization, the attributions and the functioning of this Commission, in accordance with the international principles in force. The State takes, among others, measures to combat the violence done to women and children in public and private life. The law establishes the advantages granted to the President of the Republic and organizes the modalities for granting a pension to former Presidents of the Republic and Heads of State. If the motion is rejected, its signatories may not propose a new one during the course of the same session. 29 juillet 2015. The President of the Republic, after deliberation of the Council of Ministers, proclaims the State of Emergency within the conditions determined by the law. La capitale de la République du Niger est Niamey. He may delegate certain of his powers to the Ministers. These languages have, in all equality, the status of national languages. A law determines the composition, the attributions and the functioning of the Superior Council of National Defense. The State sees to the equality of opportunities chances for handicapped persons with a view to their promotion and/or their social reintegration. ... La capitale de la République du Niger est Niamey. The attributes of the Republic, such as defined in the first Article, are reserved for the use of the public powers. He directs, animates and coordinates the governmental action. No one may be a member of the Government if he does not enjoy a good morality attested by the competent services. The functions of the public ministry before the High Court of Justice are exercised by the Procurator General at the Court of Cassation and by a substitute-general at the said Court. It will enter into force from its promulgation by the President of the Supreme Council for the Restoration of Democracy, Head of the State, within the eight (8) days following the proclamation of the definitive results of the referendum by the Constitutional Council of Transition, under reserve of the transitional provisions above. The President of the Republic is above the political parties. 2. 2010-003 dated on the 11 of March of 2010 relative to the ineligibility of the personnel of the forces of defense and security and of the members of the Government of Transition remains in force until the entrance into their functions of the new authorities. The laws and regulations only have retrospective effect so far as they concern the rights and advantages that they may confer to the citizen. The vote may only take place forty-eight (48) hours after its presentation. Every person must respect them and protect them scrupulously. The members of the Superior Council of Communication must have proven competence, notably in the domain of communication, of public administration, of science, of law, of culture and of the arts. Only the votes favorable to the motion of censure are counted which may only be adopted by the absolute majority of the Deputies. The law determines the functions that he would be provided by decree taken in the Council of Ministers. President of the Republic promulgates the laws within the fifteen (15) days that follow the transmission made to him by the President of the National Assembly. It exercises a jurisdictional competence, and a competence of control as well as a consultative competence. The Court of Accounts is charged with controlling the declarations of assets. The Superior Council of National Defense gives its opinion on the appointment to high military functions and on the promotion to the ranks of general officers, and on any other question of the military domain to which it is referred. Art.16.‐ Nul ne peut être arrêté ou inculpé qu’en vertu d’une loi promulguée antérieurement aux faits qui lui sont reprochés. There is high treason when the President of the Republic violates his oath, refuses to obey an order of the Constitutional Court, is recognized author, co-author or accomplice of graves and characterized violations of human rights, of fraudulent cession of a part of the national territory, of compromising the national interests in the matters of administration of the natural resources and the subsoil and of the introduction of toxic wastes inside the national territory. In the case of death of the two (2) candidates, the electoral operations of the first round are retaken. The Government determines and conducts the policy of the Nation. In case of emergency and by request of the Government, this time period is reduced to five (5) days. L'emblème national est le drapeau tricolore composé de trois (3) bandes horizontales, rectangulaires et égales dont les couleurs sont disposées de haut en bas dans l'ordre suivant : orange, blanc et vert. The Internal Regulations determine notably: TITLE V: OF THE RELATIONS BETWEEN THE EXECUTIVE AND THE LEGISLATIVE POWERS. The Council of the Republic gives its opinion on the matters that it is referred to. This Constitution shall have the force of law throughout Nigeria and, subject to the provisions of section 4 of this Constitution, if any other law (including the constitution of a Region) is inconsistent with this Constitution, this Constitution shall prevail and the … Ousseini Tinni reçoit le chargé d'Affaires de l'Ambassade de la République Islamique du Pakistan au Niger - 12/04/19 SEM. RDC: Constitution (2011), Version Française CONSTITUTION DE LA REPUBLIQUE DEMOCRATIQUE DU CONGO modifiée par la Loi n° 11/002 du 20 janvier 2011 portant révision de certains articles de la Constitution de la République Démocratique du Congo du 18 février 2006 (Textes coordonnés) constitution-RDC.pdf — PDF document, 882Kb The High Court of Justice is an institution before the National Assembly. The Constituent Assembly voted 44 to 8 to approve this parliamentary system with limited internal government powers under the French Community. The President of the Republic appoints to the civil employments of the State on proposal of the Government. FIRST TITLE: OF THE STATE AND OF SOVEREIGNTY. The Constitutional Court is competent to decide on the recourses for excess of power in electoral matters, without a prior administrative recourse. The proposals, bills and amendments that are not of the domain of law, and that infringe good morals are irreceivable. The law determines the modalities for implementing this provision. The receipts realized on the natural resources and on the subsoil are divided between the budget of the State and the budgets of the territorial collectivities according to the law. Ousseini Tinni présente ses vœux de Nouvel An aux parlementaires juniors et les invite à redoubler d’efforts à l’école - 31/01/18 Any person has the right to be informed and to have access to the information held by the public services within the conditions determined by the law. The Republic of Niger may conclude with any African State agreements of association or of community involving partial or total abandonment of sovereignty in order to achieve African Unity. The State and the other public collectivities, through their public policies and their actions, see to the promotion and to the access to a quality, gratuitous and public education. These organs may have as their objective, notably: The initiative of the revision of the Constitution belongs jointly to the President of the Republic and to the members of the National Assembly. The Constitutional Court includes seven (07) members aged forty (40) years at least. It is competent to examine the bills and the proposals of law of economic, social and cultural character, excluding the laws of finance. juillet 2019 (JO spécial n°13 du 15 août 2019) Vu la Constitution du 25 novembre 2010 ; Vu l’arrêt n° 005/CC/MC du 10 août 2017 de la Cour constitutionnelle ; Le Conseil des ministres entendu, L’Assemblée nationale a délibéré et adopté, Le Président de la République promulgue la loi dont la teneur suit : The Superior Council of Communication is an independent administrative authority. The law of regulation must be deposited with the Bureau of the National Assembly at the budgetary session of the year following that of the execution of the budget to be debated at the next parliamentary session and adopted, at the latest, the thirty-first (31) of December of the second year that follows the execution of the budget. JOn°_19 Loi n° 2011-20 du 08 août 2011et modifie en avril 2012.pdf. Any person has the right to freedom of thought, of opinion, of expression, of conscience, of religion and of worship. The impeachment of a member of the Government is voted in the same conditions, by an absolute majority. The inscription République du Niger [Republic of Niger] is placed below. Nigeriens of the two (2) sexes, of Nigerien nationality of origin, at least thirty-five (35) years old the day the dossier is deposited, enjoying their civil and political rights, are eligible to the Presidency of the Republic. As an electronic PDF soft-copy, it will be delivered to you by email. The Superior Council of Communication is composed of fifteen (15) members as it follows: The duration of the mandate of the members of the Supreme Council of Communication is five (5) year non-renewable. Enforced exile or deportation of a citizen is considered as a crime against the Nation and punished according to the law. The Constitutional Court has all powers of evaluation in this domain. The law establishes the modalities of their promotion and of their development. It controls the action of the Government. He assures the regular functioning of the public powers and the continuity of the State. During the legislature, any Deputy who resigns from his party loses his seat and is replaced by his substitute. The members of the Constitutional Court are appointed for six (6) years by decree of the President of the Republic. Ils sont tenus de se conformer à la Constitution, aux lois et règlements de la République. The Court of Cassation is the highest jurisdiction of the Republic in judicial matters. Nigeria. It decides on the regularity of the referendum and proclaims their results of them. A copy of the declaration of the President of the Republic is communicated to the Court of Accounts and to the tax services. This shield is superimposed on a trophy formed of four flags of the Republic of Niger. The program laws establish the objectives of the economical and social action of the State. Except in the case of flagrante delicto, no Deputy may, during the duration of the sessions, be prosecuted or arrested in a correctional or criminal matter except with the authorization of the National Assembly. Niger gained independence from France in 1960. At the demand of the President of the Republic, the Constitutional Court decides by an order on the constitutionality of the initiative of the recourse to the referendum. He exercises the attributions vested in the President of the Republic, with the exception of those specified in Articles 59, 60 and 61. The President is elected for the duration of the legislature and the other members of the Bureau are elected every year, according to the Internal Regulations of the National Assembly. The Ministers charged with the National Defense and with Foreign Affairs are appointed by mutual agreement of the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister. The ordinance No. For the duration of his mandate, the President of the Republic may not be president or member of the directive organ of a political party or any national association. Download The 1999 Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, as amended, free PDF copy for Desktop and Mobile. The contracts for prospecting and exploitation the natural resources and the subsoil as well as the revenues paid to the State, disaggregated, company by company, are completely published in the Journal Officiel of the Republic of Niger. 3. The physical or mental incapacity of the President of the Republic rendering him unfit to exercise the responsibilities of his function, is considered absolute impediment. They are heard either at the demand of these, or at their own demand. National sovereignty belongs to the People. Il est le gardien de la Constitution. 1. TITRE PREMIER : DE L'ETAT ET DE LA SOUVERAINETÉ. The State submits itself to develop its energy potential in view of achieving energy sovereignty, and access to energy and to build a dynamic and competitive industrial, mining, oil and a gas sector, oriented to satisfy the national necessities and the requirements of development. If the bill of the law of finance could not be presented in a timely fashion to be promulgated before the beginning of the fiscal year, the Prime Minister demands of urgency of the National Assembly the authorization to continue to receive the taxes and to continue with expenditures, the budget of the preceding year by provisional twelfths. DU PRESIDENT DE LA REPUBLIQUE ARTICLE 29 : Le Président de la République est le Chef de l’Etat. In the cases specified in the preceding paragraphs, the Constitutional Court must decide within a time period of fifteen (15) days. 1999 . Nationals of other countries benefit in the territory of the Republic of Niger from the same rights and freedoms as Nigerien nationals within the conditions determined by the law. de la République du Niger ( J. O. sp n° 4 du 26 juillet 1961 ) Vu la Constitution de la République du Niger du 8 novembre 1960 et notamment les articles 41 et 22 ; L’Assemblée Nationale a adopté ; Le Président de la République promulgue la loi dont la teneur suit : Article premier . The representative of the State sees to the respect for the national interests. The Constitutional Court decides on the eligibility of the candidates. (1) Nigeria is one indivisible and indissoluble sovereign state to be known by the name of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. A National Commission sees to the promotion and to the effectiveness of the rights and of the freedoms consecrated above. The national and international enterprises have the obligation to respect the legislation in force in environmental matters. The State sees to the harmonious development of all the territorial collectivities on the basis of national solidarity, social justice, regional potentialities and interregional equilibrium. The Constitutional Court is equally competent to decide on the cases specified in the Articles 6, 53, 54, 60, 67, 86, 103 and 110 of the Constitution. Important pour les travailleurs et l'utilisation institutionnelle, les citoyens, les parents, les enfants, les enseignants et les étudiants. In the case of a crisis of confidence between the President of the National Assembly and the Deputies, he may be dismissed. The ordinances are taken in the Council of Ministers after the opinion of the Constitutional Court. Any act of discrediting of the orders of the Court is sanctioned according to the laws in force. The State makes of the creation of wealth, of growth and of the fight against inequality a major axis of its interventions. If the National Assembly has not decided within sixty (60) days of the presentation of the bill, the provisions of this bill can be put into force by ordinance. Reviews, ratings, screenshots, and more about La Constitution du Niger. When the bill is adopted by referendum, the President of the Republic promulgates it within the time periods specified in paragraphs 1 and 2 of Article 58. The presiding magistrates are irremovable. He may not stand as a candidate in the presidential elections. Before entering into their functions, the members of the Constitutional Court take an oath on the Holy Book of their confession before the President of the Republic in these terms: “I swear to well and faithfully complete my functions, to exercise them with total impartially within the respect for the Constitution and with total independence, to keep the secrecy of the deliberations and the votes, not to take any public position and not to give any consultation on the questions relevant to the competence of the Court. Youth is protected by the State and the other public collectivities against exploitation and abandonment. The President of the Republic is the President of the Council of Ministers. All particularist propaganda of a regionalist, racial or ethnic character, all manifestation of racial, social, sexist, ethnic, political or religious discrimination, are punished by the law. In the case of death, the vacancy is declared by the Constitutional Court, referred to the matter by the Prime Minister or by a member of the Government. The Council has as its mission to assure and guarantee the freedom and the independence of the means of the audiovisual communication, from the written and electronic press within the respect for the law. As such, they are submitted to the same obligations as the medias of the State as specified in paragraph 3 of this Article. Gouvernement du Niger (external link) Présidence de la République du Niger (external link) Back to Top. The members of the National Assembly may equally obtain, by means of written or oral questions, all information about the activities or the acts of administration of the Government. The State sees to the creation of the proper conditions to assure to all, medical services and medical assistance in the case of illness. La bande blanche … They must take into account the financial situation of the State and the general level of revenues of the Nigeriens. At the request of the Prime Minister or of one-third (1/3) of the Deputies, the National Assembly may sit in closed session. In default, the bill or the proposal is submitted to referendum unless there is abandonment of the said bill or proposal. Aucun citoyen ne peut être contraint à l’exil. The Constitution of 25 February 1959 was created by and then ratified vote of the Constituent Assembly of Niger, a body created for this purpose from the elected Territorial Assembly of Niger in December 1958. Each one is required to contribute to the safeguarding and to the improvement of the environment in which he lives. The Economical, Social and Cultural Council assists the President of the Republic and the National Assembly. The State sees to the evaluation and control of the impacts of any project and program of development on the environment. TITLE VIII: Of the Superior Council of Communication. This jurisdiction must postpone its decision until the decision of the Constitutional Court, which must intervene within a time period of thirty (30) days. They may not be prosecuted or arrested without the authorization of the Constitutional Court, except in the case of flagrante delicto. The right to vote of the Deputies is personal. It presents, before the National Assembly, an annual report on human rights. These rights are exercised with respect for public order, for social peace and for national unity. The work of the National Assembly takes place following the Internal Regulations that it adopts in accordance with the Constitution. Each one has the right to freedom and to security within the conditions defined by the law. The State assures to each one the satisfaction of the essential needs and services as well as a full development. Any individual, any agent of the State, who is found guilty of acts of torture or of cruel, inhuman or degrading abuse or treatments in the exercise of or on the occasion of the exercise of their functions, either on his own initiative or under instructions, will be punished according to the law. The statute of the medias of the State is established by a law that guarantees the objectivity, the impartiality and the pluralism of opinions in the treatment and diffusion of the information. The President of the Republic may, before the expiration of these time periods, address a motivated demand to the National Assembly for a second deliberation of the law or of certain of its Articles. 131 et 132, la Cour, “gardien de la Constitution“ en tant que juge de la constitutionnalité des lois (art.