YA LATIF 903 FOIS ( En 7 parties, 129 ×7) DJAWHARATOUL KAMAL 11 FOIS (Après chaque partie du zikr de YA LATIF ) Qu’Allah swt facilite tous ceux qui veulent pratiquer cette recette. 1.‘Aoozubillaahi Mi-nash ShYataan Ir-rajeem BisMillaah Ir-Rah-maan Ir-Ra-heem -3x After completing the count of 129, raise your hands and recite the dua in (5) above three times. They repeat “Ya Latif” 129 or 133 times a day. 1. Hikmah. Increase the number to 133 in times of difficulty.). wa ala alihi 100fois ya latif 129fois. Change ), Ya Lateef…O the Gracious one, The Subtle, The Gentle. 10. 10. The One who is kind to His slaves and endows upon them His kindness, goodness, gentleness, benevolence, affection, blessings and mercy. Raise your hands and with full humility, trust and complete faith in ALlah, repeat dua in (5) atleast 3 to 7 times To win a court’s case. O Allah please accept my amal/dua by Your immense Mercy and make be independent of all except You. “Ya Latif” (129 times in the morning and evening ganze filme herunterladen kostenlos. Zal. 11. O One Who is gentle with His creation, O One who has complete knowledge of His creation, O One who has complete awareness of His creation! SOURATE ALAM NACHRA 129 FOIS. Günü: Cuma Vakti: Zühre Okunma Zamanları: Sabah ve İkindi sonrası Ebced değeri ve Günde zikir sayısı: 129 Anlamı: En ince işlerin bütün nceliklerini bilen, kullarına iyilikler ulaştıran Kerameti: Ya Latif ismini zikreden huzura kavuşur, her şeyde başarılı olur.Maddi durumu düzelir. Note: For treating any sickness, black magic or jinn, blow 3x into bottles full of drinking water and olive oil. i wanted to ask if it is suitable to do it in the day time ?? (2) Another easy way to maintain the count of 16641 during this amal is to recite Ya Lateefu in counts of 500 till you reach 16500, then you need to only finish 141 to complete the count of 16641. – Membaca “Ya Latif” sebanyak 129 x – Membaca Surah Asy Syura ayat 19 sebanyak 21 x. Keterangan : Bacalah kedua ayat diatas sehabis sholat lima waktu. Manoj. YA LATIF 129 FOIS. (129 times in the morning and evening. 7. Treat deadly incurable disease and sickness. (Al-Latif is one of Allah’s names and is sometimes translated as “gentle” or “subtle.” Habib Kadhim as-Saqqaf (may Allah preserve him) said it encompasses all the names of Allah which express His beauty. We are sharing few extremely effective and powerful amals related to recitations of Allah’s name “Ya Lateefu”, that have been reported in several books of spiritual healing. 4. Ketiga, siapa yang mewiridkan ‘Ya Latif’ setiap hari sebanyak 133 kalif. Que Dieu le tout puissant exauce vos prières et zikrs. Marriage issues. Increase the number to 133 in times of difficulty.) Note: For difficult cases, this amal should be done after every obligatory salaat. Note: The person practicing it should ponder and completely understand the meaning of Allah’s name “Ya Lateefu” for effective results. As-Syuura ayat 19, mereka akan dipermudah urusannya, baik itu … ALLAHOU LATIFOUNE BI IBADIHI YARZOUKOU MANE YACHAOU WA HOUWAL QAWIYOUL AZIZOU 1 FOIS. Huz bi-yedî kallet hîleti bi lûtfike ve keremike yâ sâhibe’l lûtfu ve’l-ihsân. Keep repeating this procedure 129 times till count of 16641 is complete [129 * 129= 16641]. Release from imprisonment. AMEEN. (Vidéo) Bienfaits du ismou « LATIF » avec Baye Djim Lo : 1161 Ya Latif + 45 Souratoul Fatiha Pour avoir une énorme Ouverture Faydatidianiya.com To recite ya Latif 129 times may help if one is depressed and stressed. 14. etc. Change ), You are commenting using your Google account. YA LATIF 1000 FOIS. In the city of Tarim, one of the traditions is to recite the Sahih Collection of Imam al-Bukhari from beginning to end in Masjid Ba `Alawi, the most sacred of the city’s mosques. Solve your problems using Allah’s beautiful name Ya Lateefu: Allah’s name “Ya Lateefu” has a very deep meaning, it means Ever-Discreetly Gentle, The Most Affectionate, The Knower and Possessor of all Sublities, The Subtle One, The Most Gracious. Publié par zalasrar. 12. AMEEN. 8. ’A-Ghis-ni, ‘A-Ghis-ni, ‘A-Ghis-ni Bi Rahmatika Ya Arhamar Rahemeen.’Ameen. 3. Its preferable to complete this amal in one sitting, if its too difficult, the amal can Inshaallah be completed on the same day or the same night. Changer ), Vous commentez à l’aide de votre compte Google. To recite ya Latif 129 times may help if one is depressed and stressed. During the amal every recitation of Ya Lateefu should be done with will full concentration and iklaas / sincerity like one is begging before Allah for help, and also this should be recited imagining that Allah is watching you and you are glorifying and pleasing Allah with this recitation. May Allah giv us d strenght and blessing to remembering him. ... Imam Abu Yazid al-Busthami dalam kitab Manhajul Hanif menjelaskan bahwa orang yang membiasakan membaca “Ya Latiifu” sebanyak 129 kali kemudian membaca ayat ini sebanyak tujuh kali. Subhaanal-laahi Walhamdu-Lillaahi, wa laa ilaa-ha ill-lal-laahu wallahu Akbar -40x Ini Manfaat Baca Dzikir “Ya Latif” ... Imam Abu Yazid al-Busthami dalam kitab Manhajul Hanif menjelaskan bahwa orang yang membiasakan membaca “Ya Latiifu” sebanyak 129 kali kemudian membaca ayat ini sebanyak tujuh kali. Repeat this until the distress is removed. SOURATE ALAM NACHRA 129 FOIS. 9. In Cha Allah faites l’effort … Impossible de partager les articles de votre blog par e-mail. 7. YA LATIF 1000 FOIS. After completing the count of 129, raise your hands and recite the dua in (5) above three times. Li … Changer ), Vous commentez à l’aide de votre compte Twitter. (Al-Latif is one of Allah’s names and is sometimes translated as “gentle” or “subtle.” Habib Kadhim as-Saqqaf (may Allah preserve him) said it encompasses all the … Ketika kita mencapai 129 kali dzikir hendaknya membaca ayat dan doa seperti pada cara pertama. May Allah bless u too 4 this article published. – 3x. Asalamu Alaikum wah Rahmatullahi wa Barakatuho SOURATE ALAM NACHRA 129 FOIS. nasiril haq bil haq 100fois ya latif 129 fois. 13. YA RABBIL ‘A-LAMEEN. Jazak Allah, Alhamdullillah. Bu; her 129’da bir böyle devam eder. Note:For effectiveness of this amal its necessary to correctly maintain the count of 16641 during this amal, if the exact counts are not met, the amal may become ineffective and only Allah knows the best and He is All Merciful towards his creation. Its also preferable to practice this amal on Thursday night after salaatul Isha (in Islamic calendar this will the blessed Friday night) and Inshallah, one khatam of this amal (i.e complete recitation of Ya Lateefu 16641 times ) should be sufficient in solving the problem and fulfilling any need by the will of Allah, however, the person can repeat this amal every Thursday night till his need is fulfilled and for more effective results. Fulfillment of heavy debts, overcome poverty and financial issues and for richness and wealth. ila saratila al moustaqim 100fois ya latif 129fois. 4. O Allah, I have requested you for help using your blessed name Ya Lateefu, O Allah by the virtues and blessings contained in it please fulfill my need……… . Raise your hands and with full humility, trust and complete faith in ALlah, repeat dua in (5) atleast 3 to 7 times Overcome famine and drought. 6. ( Déconnexion /  In times of great distress, Ibn `Abbas narrates that the Messenger of Allah (Allah bless him and grant him peace) used to say: لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ العَظِيمُ الْحَلِيمُ، لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ رَبُّ العَرشِ العَظِيم، لاَ إِلَهَ إِلاَّ اللهُ رَبُّ السَّمَاوَات وَرَبُّ الأَرْض، وَرَبُّ العَرشِ الكَرِيم, La ilaha ill-Allah ul-`Azimul-Halim, la ilaha ill-Allahu rabbu’l`arshi-l’`azim, la ilaha ill-Allahu rabbu`ssamawati wa rabbu’l-ardi wa rabbu’l`arshi-l-karim, “There is no god but Allah, the Awesome, the Forbearing, there is no god but Allah, the Lord of the mighty throne, there is no god but Allah the Lord of the heavens and the earth and the noble throne.”. Ya Rabbil ‘A-Lameen! Increase the number to 133 in times of difficulty.) Excessive recitation of this Isme / Allah’s names day and night, with appropriate intentions will InshaALlah be extremely beneficial for increase in rizq (sustenance), to overcome poverty, misery, sickness, loneliness or any adversity and to full fill any hajaat/need and is effective to accomplish any tasks without difficulties. wal hadi 100fois ya latif 129fois. InshaAllah, with these amals one will be able to achieve the following: 2. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x By reading this name morning and evening one will be constantly in the realm of Allah’s care and gentleness. 2. YA LATIFOU 5547 + CALAT FATIH 66 + ALLAHOUMMA ASBIGNI BILOUTFIKAL LAZI  IZA  ALTAFTA BIHI AHAD KAFA 3/7  FOIS, YA LATIFOU 5547 + CALAT FATIH 66  + ALLAHOUMMA  ASBIGNI BILOUTFIKAL LAZI  IZA  ALTAFTA BIHI AHAD KAFA 3/7  FOIS, YA LATIFOU 5547 + JAWHARATUL KAMAL  66 + + ALLAHOUMMA  ASBIGNI BILOUTFIKAL LAZI  IZA  ALTAFTA BIHI AHAD KAFA 3/7  FOIS, bonjour a vous et merci a allah davoir cree des creatures aussi bon que vous merci les mains au dos un zoulkou des antilles fr. FKR92.COM. DOUA POUR VOS BESOINS. C’est un nom parmi les noms mais aussi l’un des meilleurs parmi les noms. AMEEN. Blow 3x over the chest, then 3x into both the hands, and the wipe the hands over the face, arms and body. For Rain. Ya Latif ism-i şerifi, Lütuf ve inayeti sınırsız, en ince işlerin bütün incelik ve sırlarını bilen, bilinen, bilinmeyen, görünen, görünmeyen, bütün yollardan ve sebeplerden, kullarına her türlü iyilik ve faydaları veren zat demektir. Avertissez-moi par e-mail des nouveaux commentaires. (1) A simple method of doing this is to put 129 prayer beads in a Tasbeeh (string) and recite Ya Lateefu 129 times on it. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -7x 9. O Allah, Its You alone do I worship and You alone do I call for Help. Mabes Laskar Khodam Sakti Jl. Make Intention/Dua: BISMILLAAHI YA HAYYU YA QAYYUM YA ZAL JALAALI WAL IKRAM YA ARHAMAR RAHEMEEN. YA LATIFOU 5547 + CALAT FATIH 66 + ALLAHOUMMA, ASBIGNI BILOUTFIKAL LAZI  IZA  ALTAFTA BIHI AHAD KAFA 3/7  FOIS, + ALLAHOUMMA  ASBIGNI BILOUTFIKAL LAZI  IZA  ALTAFTA BIHI AHAD KAFA 3/7  FOIS, + + ALLAHOUMMA  ASBIGNI BILOUTFIKAL LAZI  IZA  ALTAFTA BIHI AHAD KAFA 3/7  FOIS, En savoir plus sur la façon dont les données de vos commentaires sont traitées. Ya Latif c.c öylesine şerefli ve büyülü bir addır ki bu ada başkaca esmayı ilave etmeden yalnızca bu adla Allah’ı zikredenler en şiddetli çaresiz bir hastalık, keder, ıstırap, felaket içinde bulunsalar dahi Latif esmasının mucizevi tecelli ışınıyla sahil-i selamete çıkarılırlar. 7. Ya Latifu is very beneficial for the love marriage or good proposal, for the sake of good proposal, recite Ya-Lateefo 12900 times daily for 40 days. Share this: Twitter; Plus; Articles similaires. En savoir plus sur la façon dont les données de vos commentaires sont traitées. ( Log Out /  Assalam Alaikom my dear brothers and sisters, may Allah have mercy on you and your families along with myself and my family. Jalbur rizqi (menarik rezeki) 2. - Çok güçlü bir esmadır aşk acısına karşı okunur eğer okuyanın kalbindeki gereksiz bir sevgi bir hevesse ya da karşılıksız bir sevgi ve üzülüyorsa kalbinden bu sevgiyi çekip alır. Share. 5eme jour jeudi : ya Latif 2377 amerakhassoune 129 6em jour vendredi : ya Latif 2377 amerakhassoune 129 7em jour samedi : ya Latif 2379 amerakhassoune 129. 2. Abahoune Malahoune Halahoune Alassoune Arariyoune Sababoune Lahoumoune Allalahoune Hamaloune Meiyraroune 27 fois. 10. ( Log Out /  Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -21x 5. YA LATIF 1000 FOIS. Manfaat mengucap dzikir Ya Latif. 5. La vérification e-mail a échoué, veuillez réessayer. Ingat, ikhtiar lahiriah jangan ditinggalkan! Ini Manfaat Baca Dzikir Ya Latif. AMEEN. Votre frère et serviteur . O Allah, Its You alone do I worship and You alone do I call for Help. (3) For greater blessings, this amal can also be done in jamath / congregation along with other adult members of a family, all the members doing the amal should sit in one place at any time and do the amal with a common intention/purpose, in such a case the count of 16641x can be shared among each other while all other steps should be followed by every member in the group. Ce site utilise Akismet pour réduire les indésirables. Any Darood -easy one – ALLAH humma Sali’ala Muhammad Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -7x LE KHATIM À UTILISER. Entrez vos coordonnées ci-dessous ou cliquez sur une icône pour vous connecter: Vous commentez à l’aide de votre compte WordPress.com. Sementara itu, dalam kitab Manhajul Hanif, Imam Abu Yazid al-Busthami menjelaskan bahwa mereka yang membiasakan diri untuk membaca ya latif hingga 129 kali lalu membaca QS. ( Log Out /  YA LATIF 1000 FOIS. wal hatimi lima sabaqa 100 fois ya latif 129 foos. The person should consistently, every day (after salaatul fajar) and every night (after salaatul Isha) continue doing this amal this till his need is fulfilled. SOURATE ALAM NACHRA 129 FOIS. 3. Changer ). Changer ), Vous commentez à l’aide de votre compte Facebook. 4. O Allah, I have requested you for help using your blessed name Ya Lateefu, O Allah by the virtues and blessings contained in it please fulfill my need……… . 11. Adapun dzikir Al-Lathifu memiliki beberapa keutamaan. Because before this it’s mentioned a couple times that in hardship the number is to be increased to 313? Zor bir durumdan kurtulmak isteyenler de 129 defa “Ya Latif” esmasını namazlardan sonra zikir yapmaktadır. يَالَطِيفًا بِخَلْقِهِ ، يَا عَلِيمًا بِخَلْقِهِ ، يَا خَبِيرًا بِخَلْقِهِ .. أُلْطُفْ بِنَا يَا لَطِيْفُ ، يَا عَلِيْمُ ، يَا خَبِيْرُ, Ya Latifan bi khalqihi ya `Aliman bi khalqihi ya Khabiran bi khalqihi ultuf bina ya Latifu ya `Alimu ya Khabiru. Hasta olan iyileşir. Elang Raya , Gonilan, Kartasura Solo, Jawa tengah He is Ever-Gentle with His devoted slaves and makes things easy for them and keeps them away from difficulties. To overpower enemies. Subhaanal-laahi Walhamdu-Lillaahi, wa laa ilaa-ha ill-lal-laahu wallahu Akbar -20x Birilerine iyilik yapmak için : El- Latif * Akla gelebilecek fer türlü istek için, bir hafta süreyle, her gün 16641 kere ” Ya Lâtîf celle celâlühû ” denir, ardından ” Es-salâtü ve’s-selâmü aleyke yâ Seyyidî yâ Resûlullâh. 2. Avertissez-moi par e-mail des nouveaux articles. SOURATE ALAM NACHRA 129 FOIS. Al-Latif, qui est l’un des 99 attributs du nom de Dieu, signifie le bienveillant le bon et le Subtil. ( Log Out /  The meaning of “lutf” is Allah bringing benefit and deflecting harm from an individual in a manner that that individual is unaware of). ( Déconnexion /  Surah Fatiha 1x, Surah Iqlaas 3x Assalam Aleikum dear brothers and sisters. 9. ( Déconnexion /  ( Déconnexion /  6. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. ’A-Ghis-ni, ‘A-Ghis-ni, ‘A-Ghis-ni Bi Rahmatika Ya Arhamar Rahemeen.’Ameen. Il est dit beaucoup de bien fait pour celui qui le récite, il attire la richesse protège des mauvais esprits et élève la personne qui le zikr parmi les plus érudits et les plus chanceux. Hastalıklara ve güçlüklere karşı dayanıklı olmak için 129 defa zikretmelidir. 6. Recite – Ya Lateefu -133x or 313x I just had one question thoough, towards the end on the final ‘ note: ‘ it says increase the number from 129 to 133 I’m just wondering is that a typo? Toplamda 1664 Ya Latif esması ve 129 kere okunmuş olan ilgili ayet-i kerimenin tamamlanasının ardından iki rekat namaz kılınır. Overcome any difficulty. Ya Latif 3973 fois. – Ya Latif 129 fois – Allahou latifoun bi ibadihi yarzouhou mane yachaou wa houwa hawiyoul aziz 129 fois Puis vous faites votre vœu Profitez de ce document ci-dessous qui contient des secrets et zikrs du nom de Dieu YA LATIF : https://bit.ly/2LVXXeT. Taa ki toplamda 129 X 129 yani 1664 defa okunmuş oluncaya kadar. To the brother, or sister, who has typed this lovely knowledge may Allah grant you Jannah InShaAllah, it was much needed and much appreciated thank you for this. un secret de latif faire 4 rakat fatiha + qadr 11 fatiha + kawsar 11 fatiha + nasr 11 fatiha + ikhlass 11 ensuite taewouz + fatiha 1 istigfar 100 calat fatih 100 ya latifou 5547 + calat fatih 66 + allahoumma asbigni biloutfikal lazi iza altafta bihi ahad kafa 3/7 fois ya latifou 5547 +… ‘Astaghfirullaah,‘Astaghfirullaah, ‘Astaghfirullaah, La Elaaha illal laahu Mohammadur Rasool-ul-laah Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -20x Surah Fatiha 1x, Surah Iqlaas 3x Keep repeating this procedure 129 times till count of 16641 is complete [129 * 129… O Gentle Who remains for ever, be gentle to us in all that befalls us, You are constantly Gentle, treat us and the Muslims with gentleness! “Ya Latif” (129 times in the morning and evening. He makes the path to His Pleasure and Generosity easy for them and He also protects them from every means that may lead to His anger and wrath. Use the water for drinking, spraying the house and bathing and drink one tea spoon of olive oil every morning and evening and apply some all over the body before going to bed. Sanadaguatichoune 129 fois. 8. Thank you for your help once again. Partager : Cliquez pour partager sur Facebook(ouvre dans une nouvelle fenêtre) YA RABBIL ‘A-LAMEEN. 8. ALLAHOUMA INNÎ ASSALOUKA ANNE- TARZOUQANÎ RIZQANE HALLALANE TOYIBANE WASSIANE MINE GUEYRI TA’ABINE WALA MACHAQOTINE WALA DOYIRINE WALA NASSABINE INNAKA ALLA KOULI CHEIY INE QADIROUNE 1 FOIS. haq qadrihi 100fois ya latif 129fois. YA LATİF (129 defa) : Lütfu ve keremi bol olan ve ihsanı sınırsız olan ,kulunun dilek ve ihtiyaçlarını kolayca ulaştıran. Blow 3x over the chest, then 3x into both the hands, and the wipe the hands over the face, arms and body. AMAL 1: Reciting Ya Lateefu 133 times or 313 times(for difficult cases) every day and night (Time duration of this amal 5 Mins to 15 Mins) Zalsniper@hotmail.fr. 1.‘Aoozubillaahi Mi-nash ShYataan Ir-rajeem BisMillaah Ir-Rah-maan Ir-Ra-heem -3x Fill in your details below or click an icon to log in: You are commenting using your WordPress.com account. Bonjours chers frères et sœurs Bon vendredi à tous. il fatihi lima oughliqa 100 fois ya latif 129 fois. Recite – Ya Lateefu -16641x Keutamaan-keutamaan tersebut adalah : 1. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. L'article n'a pas été envoyé - Vérifiez vos adresses e-mail ! Ya Rabbi mazala loutfouka yachmoulouni waqad tajadadabi ma anta ta a lamouhou fass riffhou kama awad taniy karamane fama siwaka li hazal abdi yarhamouhou 1 fois. Ya Rabbil ‘A-Lameen! YA LATIF 129 × 129 ( C’est à dire vous faites 129 FOIS YA LATIF ET vous vous arrêtez pour lire le verset ci dessous 1 fois, ainsi de suite et finir le zikr de YA LATIF 129×129) ALLAHOU LATIFOUNE BI IBADIHI YARZOUKOU MANE YACHAOU WA HOUWAL QAWIYOUL AZIZOU 1 FOIS . O Allah please accept my amal/dua by Your immense Mercy and make be independent of all except You. Treat us with gentleness O Gentle, O All-Knowing, O All-Aware! Make Intention/Dua: BISMILLAAHI YA HAYYU YA QAYYUM YA ZAL JALAALI WAL IKRAM YA ARHAMAR RAHEMEEN. – Ya Latif 129 fois – Allahou latifoun bi ibadihi yarzouhou mane yachaou wa houwa hawiyoul Aziz 129 fois A chaque fin de zikr , vous dites votre vœu puis rester sur place à peine 10mn avant de vous lever. Change ), You are commenting using your Facebook account. (1) A simple method of doing this is to put 129 prayer beads in a Tasbeeh (string) and recite Ya Lateefu 129 times on it. Bu namaz kılındıktan sonra muradın olması, hacetin gerçekleşmesi için … To get Children. Kedua, seseorang mewiridkan ‘Ya Latif’ dibaca sebanyak 129 kali atau 130 kali, Insya Allah usahanya atau perniagaannya akan maju dan akan merasa kejayaan dalam pekerjaannya. Before doing this amal one needs to offer 2 units of salaatul Hajaat (with intentions of seeking Allah’s help and mercy in solving your problem) and then sit on the same prayer mat and do the below amal… Fulfill any hajaat / lawful need. Defeat and overpower enemies and tyrant leaders. To find good job or employment. 11. يَا لَطِيْفًا لَمْ يَزَلْ أُلْطُفْ بِنَا فِيْمَا نَزَلَ .. إِنّك لَطِيْفٌّ لَمْ تَزَلْ .. أُلْطُفْ بِنَا وَ المُسْلِمِيْن, Ya Latifan lam yazal ultuf bina fima nazal innaka Latifun lam yazal ultuf bina wa’l-muslimin. 3. – 3x. ‘Astaghfirullaah,‘Astaghfirullaah, ‘Astaghfirullaah, La Elaaha illal laahu Mohammadur Rasool-ul-laah Sallallaahu `Alayhi wa Sallam -40x 5. AMAL 2: Reciting Ya Lateefu 16641 times (Time duration of this amal 3 to 4 hours)

ya latif 129 2021