MyChessViewer requires IE4. A major advantage is the size and speed. Download an updated version of "ChessFonts.ini" which supports the newest fonts on this page:
Table des matières Position des pièces Positions algébriques Symboles Pièces de l’échiquier Description de la notation algébrique : La Notation algébrique sans dessin Les pions Exception si "prise en passant" (e.p). Windows. Cela se produit lorsque le Roi est attaqué (mis en échec) et ne peut échapper à cette attaque, c’est l’échec et mat. Les Blancs jouent et matent en 1 coup… Les Noirs sont échec et mat 15. A piece played to a square occupied by an opponent's piece captures it as part of the same move. Lorsqu’un pion se trouve sur la cinquième rangée[1] et que l’adversaire avance de deux cases un pion d’une colonne voisine (les deux pions se retrouvent alors côte-à-côte sur la même rangée), le premier pion peut prendre le second. Download (193 kb) from the author's homepage. Freeware by Alastair Scott. Macro for Word 6 or higher. The program is small and reads zipped pgn files, which saves time and bandwidth. Nous travaillerons tous les aspects du jeu d’ Échecs, des ouvertures aux finales en passant par les différents milieux de jeu. Link: MacChess. Windows. Explorer & Netscape version >= 4.0.
: le déplacement du Pion est particulier. » est l’un des quelques termes échiquéens connus et officiellement utilisé en français dans toutes les langues (tout comme l’expression « j’. 15 nov. 2020 - Découvrez le tableau "Echecs" de Michel DAVERGNE sur Pinterest. The pieces look like the well known Linares design. Even the more experienced players can easily overlook it. Let's have fun and learn to play chess! Attention !! Freeware by Mark van der Leek. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème jeu echec, echecs, échec et mat. Please use this link for your account Download FEN2PPM (38 kb) from Castling is indicated by the special notations 0-0 (or O-O) for kingside castling and 0 … 9x9 cm. Use the mouse to set up a position and save as a bitmap (BMP) or JPG - or copy to the clipboard. Lorsqu’un pion se trouve sur la cinquième rangée et que l’adversaire avance de deux cases un pion d’une colonne voisine (les deux pions se retrouvent alors côte-à-côte sur la même rangée), le premier pion peut prendre le second. Despite a wealth of possibilities the program is easy to use. A Java viewer for PGN files. EPD2diag supports most fonts on our fonts page (and some more), and you can add new fonts just by editing the INI file. Special Features. Notre prochaine conférence. If you're ready to write a few lines of JavaScript the Lite version can let the reader pick from a drop down list. Macintosh. Au jeu d’échecs, la prise en passant est une possibilité particulière de capturer un pion. The font was originally for making diagrams with Matthieu's program Problemiste, a program for solving chess problems.Armando Marroquin has since redesigned the font, and now it can be used as a "stand alone font" for diagrams and figurine notation and frame with co-ordinates is an option. Vous êtes ici : Pousseur de Bois » Glossaire du Jeu d’échecs » La prise en passant La prise en passant Lorsqu’un pion avance de deux cases , il peut être pris au coup suivant , par un pion adverse comme s’il n’avait avancé que d’ une case . The colours are strong (curry! French Cette dyade offre le mérite supplémentaire d' être à même d' atteindre indirectement, "en passant" comme on dit au jeu d ' échecs , le deuxième grand objectif, le progrès technologique. Soyez donc attentifs! ; The Kibitzer's Cafe offers chess discussion and camaraderie. Freeware by Michael Keating. 1610 KB). Requires an installed chess font. The Recent Kibitzing page shows you who's talking about what. This page was last edited on 23 October 2019, at 18:58. Everybody who makes diagrams should try this program - it is a gem! Win9*. *, Netscape 4.06 or newer. La Prise en Passant. Java Scripts and Java applets for viewing chess games on a webpage. Everything is freeware or shareware. Les Blancs jouent et matent en 1 coup… Les Noirs sont échec et mat 15. Position finale. Freeware by Wim van Beusekom. Freeware by Manuel López. websites and blogs, including live games broadcast support; pgn4web
That way you can easily make diagrams with true type chess fonts - just paste them into your word processor. Read more about the program, see examples and download from our special Palview pages. and run the macro. Windows, Unix, Linux. You can save diagrams as GIF, BMP, HTML, ASCII, EPD, PGN and RTF (Rich Text Format). Elle ne peut pas donner lieu à deux prises à la fois, car la case où se retrouve finalement le pion est nécessairement vide : pour être permise, la prise en passant doit suivre immédiatement le déplacement du pion adverse de deux cases, ce qu’il n'aurait pas pu faire en sautant une case occupée. It also supports fairy chess, and has an interface to the problem solving program Popeye. The en passant pawn capture rule is a special pawn move that beginning chess players are seldom aware of. Rebel (extended support) and Crafty. For print or websites - updated 12.03.2015. EPD2diag is an excellent allround program. A nifty applet that reads pgn. Download Diagramm3 (37 KB). Freeware. This combination has the additional advantage of indirectly resolving - en passant, as they say in chess - the second major objective of technological progress. Freeware by Eduardo Suastegui. La prise en passant est certainement la règle la plus étrange du jeu d’échecs. You don't know much about chess? Settings for co-ordinates and squares can be adjusted. The list is quite long, but the "burger" dropdown menu at the top has shortcuts to the different sections. Voir plus d'idées sur le thème echecs, jeu echec, jouer aux echecs. The program can also make html files with True Type diagrams, but to be able to see the chess pieces on a web page your reader must have the chosen font installed. Java Applet. Freeware (presumably - no claims at all are made in the file). Freeware by Alastair Scott. Excellent! les-echecs-ra-gles-du-jeu 1/1 Downloaded from on January 20, 2021 by guest [DOC] Les Echecs Ra Gles Du Jeu If you ally infatuation such a referred les echecs ra gles du jeu ebook that will meet the expense of you worth, acquire the definitely best seller from us … The program is in Spanish, but very easy to use. Takes longer time to activate than the Java applets from Misty Beach or Internet Chess Club, but has more features. Freeware by Ekkehard May. Le match nul existe aux échecs Parfois des parties d’échecs ne se terminent pas … 5. Just write a position in "plain English" like:
Freeware if you credit the author's page (84kb). The diagrams are not framed, but frames are easily made in the wordprocessor. You can add semi-transparent arrows and mark squares with crosses and dots. Read the text file "Montreux.cfg" for setup information. Le match nul existe aux échecs Parfois des parties d’échecs ne se terminent pas … Win9*/NT. The board however may seem a bit on the large side when you have to scroll to view the comments on a 17# screen. » est souvent indiquée sur les feuilles de parties manuscrites pour en faciliter la relecture. It is only available when a pawn moves forward two squares past an opposing pawn on an adjacent file. An en passant capture may optionally be marked with the notation "e.p." Co-ordinates possible. Au jeu d’échecs, la prise en passant est une possibilité particulière de capturer un pion. Mes cours seront l’occasion d’aborder de très nombreux thèmes tactiques et stratégiques fondamentaux à l’apprentissage et la progression de chacun ! Freeware by Alain Blaisot. Il dispose d’une vaste bibliothèque des ouvertures ainsi que d’une mémoire de positions, de sorte que vous pouvez interrompre vos parties à … Le pion blanc prend le pion noir, Libro de la invencion liberal y arte del juego del axedrez, À noter que la formule « en passant » et « e.p. Feb. 2000 (2 KB). The program's basic version is free. on appelle cela la prise en passant . 28 KB). La prise en passant pour faire deux échecs à la découverte La prise en passant est la seule façon de faire un double échec à la découverte , comme dans la position suivante: 5r2/5p2/4b1k1/6P1/8/8/2B5/6RK b - - … Freeware by JP Hendriks. Freeware by Dirk Baechle. The moves are converted to figurine notation, and if the game begins with a diagram - specified in the header with a FEN tag, you'll get a diagram too. Pour effectuer la prise en passant, le joueur avance son pion en diagonale sur la sixième rangée et la colonne du pion adverse, et ôte ce dernier de l’échiquier. Cette règle fut ajoutée à la suite de l’introduction au XVIe siècle de la possibilité de faire avancer ses pions de deux cases d’un coup ; elle est mentionnée par le maître espagnol López de Segura dans son traité Libro de la invencion liberal y arte del juego del axedrez. Palview is an excellent program that can take chess games or chess problem stored in PGN format and change it to HTML/javascript for online viewing on a webpage. You put the GIF images on the server, but keep the webpage on your local PC. Pgn Viewer for webpages. HTML/Java Script. Freeware by Dirk Baechle. Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. Dimanche 24 janvier à 18h. Java Applet by Mark Roulo. 19 different chess fonts are supported. Comme pour une prise normale, le pion doit se trouver sur la colonne … Files are available under licenses specified on their description page. The professional version is not free, but offers more features. Download from Misty Beach (110 KB). A nifty utility that creates diagrams with True Type chess fonts. Parlons maintenant de … ChessTask is a tool for creating collections of chess problems, each consisting of: Freeware by Alan Hickey. Au jeu d'échecs, l'empire russe est en net déclin ! With this program you can open/insert pgn files into an MS Office application (e.g. Show chess games or problems interactively on a webpage. ; The Opening Explorer is the perfect way to study complicated openings, move by move. Link: ChessGrafix (ca. Conseils pour gagner vos premières parties. It also exports HTML and diagrams for webpages. Echiquier en cuir repoussé de style classique. Kb3 Pa3 b2 c3 d4 Bc2 g7 / Ka1 Pe5
the chess board diagrams. ), but if you like you can create your own pieces. If you want to show chess games on your webpage, an interactive Java applet or script is usually better than static diagrams and text, however beware that Java applets can have security issues. * Advanced moves like promotion, castling, en passant are included and not forgotten * Automatic save when you exit game or receive a phone call * iPhone, iPad and iPod touch support. Most freeware chess fonts on our fonts page are supported and included. Download FEN2DIAG (41 KB) and more from Alastair's web site Chess Word Macros & Fonts. You set up the position on a screen board and copy the "text diagram" to your word processor. There is also an option to save as html. Prise en passant (e.p) Voici le résultat si prise en passant La prise en passant est possible lorsqu’un pion vient de quitter son emplacement de départ et avance de deux cases. This copy-paste procedure is a bit tiresome, but on the orher hand the viewer is flexible because it reads pgn text and you don't need to write an html page for a particular game. Retrouvez dans cet article la règle ainsi que son … Reads PGN files and interactively displays chess games on screen. Freeware by Michael Berganovsky. a webpage or database). True Type Font by Matthieu Leschemelle. ... 14 jours pour apprendre les échecs. Then the opponent's pawn can capture the double-mover as … Utilities for making chess diagrams for print or webpages. Diagrams are set up with mouse or keyboard and are saved in PCX-format. At dmoz Open Directory are links to more resources for MacIntosh chess publishing. If a pawn moves to its last rank, achieving promotion, the piece chosen is indicated after the move (for example, e1=Q or e1Q). Freeware by Andrew Gove. Set up diagrams with the mouse and save as a bitmap that can be imported to a word processor. Windows 9*/NT. Ekkehard May has made this excellent program. With the program you get the author's own font Chess Plain. jsEPD2diag is a webpage with a Java script for making diagrams for webpages - fast and very easy. A chess-playing program, but it can also be used to make diagrams for printing or for web pages. The program reads PGN, EPD and ECT (the correspondance chess program ECTool). I will admit, I myself forgot about it in a game at my local club a few years ago. Converts PGN (portable game notation) to algebraic figurine notation. Requires either DiagramTTHabsburg or Chess Merida (type chess fonts). Download from Michel's homepage. Le pion noir avance de 2 cases.échecs)&oldid=168137348, licence Creative Commons attribution, partage dans les mêmes conditions, comment citer les auteurs et mentionner la licence. Freeware by Andrew Templeton. Handles one or several games, game fragments (FEN), comments and quiz. Loads fairly quickly, but doesn't read PGN files. One unique and ingenious feature of DiagTransfer is the ability to "copy" diagrams from the computer screen (e.g. This page was last edited on 28 April 2019, at 18:48. Le raisonnement derrière ce coup apparemment étrange est en fait très logique : on a simplement pris le pion alors qu’il passait, comme s’il n’avait avancé que d’une seule case, et donc avant qu’il n’ait eu le temps d’avancer d’une 2e case. The webpages are quick to load and you have lots of cool options. Read more and download from Alain's homepage. The diagram is made of smaller GIF-images, and the program generates the necessary HTML. Print diagrams with Alain's own true type chess font or save as RTF (paste into your word processor) or a BMP picture. Freeware. and blogs without any coding; pgn4web integrates with several popular
Converts PGN to a LaTeX input file for figurine notation and Informator symbols. Compare the file date before you overwrite the original.
Makes chess diagrams from FEN (Forsyth Edwards Notation) strings. Java Applet. The program knows quite a few fonts already and can be configured for even more fonts. Freeware by Dirk Bächle. In the zip-file is the font "Chess Regular", but some fonts on our page Chess Fonts can be used as well. Dans la description ci-contre, si les Blancs renoncent à la prise en passant, le diagramme du milieu sera la nouvelle position. viewer and a board generator tool for adding chess games to websites
Utilities for figurine chess notation. Download PGN2FIG (26 KB) from Chess Word Macros & Fonts. INSCRIPTION . Requires an installed chess font. All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. directly to EPS (Encapsulated Postscript) files, containing
Jeu d'échecs en bois - Ambassador Bleu nuit Nos jeux d’échecs en bois vous proposent une expérience accrue aussi bien pour les amateurs que les experts notamment avec notre multitude de choix et design, mais aussi grâce à :. Diagrams for printing are made as a graphics file or with chess fonts. » peut être noté « e×d6 », voire « ed6 » sans la moindre ambiguïté, la notation de la prise n’étant également qu’une forte recommandation qui peut être utile en cas d’erreur de notation ou de retranscription. Programme complet. L’antea modifiko di ca pagino esis ye 22:25, 5 jun. Delivery & Pickup Options - 14 reviews of Cafe En Passant - CLOSED "i just went here tonight with my husband and parents and the food was AWESOME and plentiful the waitress was very friendly i dont know what you could complain about i will be going again if i could i would eat here once a week great place and so worth the money" Montreux loads fairly quickly and the setup is easy with a minimum of mumbo jumbo and magic spells. Position intermédiaire. La texto esas disponebla sub la Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; suplementala reguli forsan aplikesas.Videz Reguli pri uzo por detali. 2018. Position de départ. Les pièces, fabriquées en bois, bénéficient d’une belle finition. You can put the applet on your server or you can link to the Internet Chess Club. also provides a variety of online web services, including a chess
The help file explains how (easy). Montreux only works with newer browsers that support JDK1.1. Javascript. Freeware (GNU) by Dondalah. You position the DiagTransfer window with a semi transparent diagram over the diagram you want to copy, resize the semitransparent diagram to fit and "fill it up". The program was made for MS Office 2000, but should work with the 97-version too. A DOS-program by Dr. Hans-Jorgen Fischer. 15 kb). New version November 2005. You can add coloured squares and arrows. Just copy and paste into your own HTML document. Download from the author's homepage (297 kb). The opposing pawn must be on the 5th rank from its own side. a text that describes which problem has to be solved (the task) and. Together with Palive it can also be used for live game transmission. Un jeu complet et evolutif: 64 niveaux de difficulte repartis en 4 styles de jeux, force ELO1800, mode perfectionnement (evaluation: si le coup n'est pas optimal, une nouvelle chance est donnee).Toutes les regles! 6 sept. 2019 - Découvrez le tableau "chess" de Hicham Al sur Pinterest. [3]» et dans cet exemple-ci ce serait « e×d6 e.p. Freeware by Paolo Casaschi. With 27 different styles (chess fonts) to choose from you can make diagrams in various formats suited for webpages (graphics or HTML) or printed documents. Le pion blanc est sur la. Download from the author's page (26 kb). An excellent program that was used for years by Nørresundby Chess Club for our newsletter. pgn4webjavascript, GPLv2 license
Write to Manuel and he will send the program. Link: Internet Chess Club (25 KB + images ca. Cases. Requires LaTeX software. Recevoir gratuitement la vidéo ! Si un pion adverse se trouve sur la colonne voisine, au même niveau que la case d’arrivée... La prise-en-passant | Leçons d’échecs - The compiled version should run on most DOS/Windows platforms, but you can also download the source (C++) and compile it yourself. Download fra forfatterens side (ca. ; Sistemo di agado pri privateso; Pri Wikivortaro Diagtransfer can also save the position as FEN or EPD text strings that can be pasted into a chess program for analysis. Ceci explique aussi pourquoi ce coup n’est possible que pour le coup joué immédiatement après. The design is very much like the pieces used by the old East German Sportverlag. Loads quickly (10-20 sec.). You load a pgn text file in the right frame and by copying the text into a window in the left frame you can play through the game. » Cette mention est présentement facultative selon les règles de la Fédération internationale des échecs[4], car le coup peut être noté « e×d6[5]» sans ambiguïté, mais la mention « e×d6 e.p. Freeware by Michal Ryszard Wojcik. At the beginning of the game the chessboard is laid out so that each player has Square colours, frames and coordinates can be changed to your liking. Version p1.5 (669 KB) can be downloaded from, where you can read more about this great program. Free programs and utilities for making chess diagrams for webpages and desktop publishing. MS Office 97/2000. La prise en passant doit se faire immédiatement après le double pas du pion et n’est plus possible par la suite[2]. Java Applet. Macro for making diagrams in Word. Jeu d’échecs électronique, l'echiquier éléctronique maîtrise naturellement les règles particulières des échecs : Le roque, la promotion du pion et la prise en passant. Free for personal non-commercial use. A chess database that can export games with figurine notation (if you like) and diagrams with true type chess fonts for use with wordprocessors. The diagrams are bitmaps and the size ca. Freeware by Lutz Tautenhahn. Diagrams for webpages are usually made of GIF or JPG images, and some programs even generate the necessary HTML. Generate a diagram online and save as a JPG image. Download FEN2eps (1.2 mb) from Dirk's web site FEN2eps. HTML/Java Script. Article 5: The Moves Of The Pieces 5.1 The King: (a) All structured data from the file and property namespaces is available under the Creative Commons CC0 License; all unstructured text is available under the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License; additional terms may apply. La prise en passant est le seul cas dans lequel on peut prendre une pièce adverse sans se placer sur la case qui était occupée par la pièce prise. En notation algébrique, la prise en passant peut se noter « e.p. La prise en passant est un coup de pion qui permet de prendre un pion adverse qui avance de 2 cases. Chess Tutor handles files with many games, reads Java-compressed PGN (pgz), handles several files and can check the gamefile(s) for changes at user defined intervals, which is very convenient for live coverage. Most fonts on our page Chess Fonts can be used. Converts FEN (Forsyth Edwards Notation) strings
Java Applet. Déjà des milliers de fans. ; The Biographer's Bistro serves up chess history 24 hours a day! Linux operating system. Programme pas à pas gratuit. « e×d6 e.p. Un article de Wikipédia, l'encyclopédie libre. Les plateaux sont réalisés en bois de pin. En passant ('in passing' in French) is a special capture. Entièrementt fait main, de la découpe de la feuille de cuir (41,2X41,2cm) d'environ 3,5mm d'épaisseur, aux finitions, en passant par le repoussage (sculpture de la surface à l'aide de matoirs martelés) et la patine des teintes (mélange de teintures et peintures acryliques et alcool)...Finition vernie brillant.