YouTube is by far the most vocal critic of Article 13, with the firm making a big effort to promote opposition to the directive among its creators and users. Registre d'accidents, d'incidents et de premiers secours, Connaitre et réaliser ses obligations d'équité salariale. Currently, platforms such as YouTube aren’t responsible for copyright violations, although they must remove that content when directed to do so by the rights holders. Although the #saveyourinternet campaign has focused on stirring up opposition to the directive among YouTubers and users, the highest echelons of YouTube management have also got in on the opposition. Your email address will not be published. The article intends to get news aggregator sites, such as Google News, to pay publishers for using snippets of their articles on their platforms. There are still too many variables to know anything for sure, but it is a situation worth following. European Parliament voted 348-274 to pass the Copyright Directive ", Leading the opposition to the Directive on Copyright within the European Parliament has been Julia Reda, an MEP and member of the Pirate Party Germany. Will Bedingfield, By Leave a Reply Cancel reply. Les contenus de ce site sont informatifs et ont pour objectif d'aider à la compréhension. "If the owners cannot agree, it is impossible to expect the open platforms that host this content to make the correct rights decisions. But it may also be a wake up call for site owners, not just in Europe but in the United States and around the world, not to fall victim to non-compliance. Six member states (Finland, Italy, Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Poland and Sweden) voted against adopting the directive while three (Belgium, Estonia and Slovenia) abstained from the vote. Article 13 – we are independent sustainability consultants based in London, supporting clients globally. Great style is easy. Article 13 says it shall “in no way affect legitimate uses.” In other words, users will still be able to use bits of copyright-protected material for the … The Directive on Copyright would make online platforms and aggregator sites liable for copyright infringements, and supposedly direct more revenue from tech giants towards artists and journalists. The issue of whether there is a violation of Article 13 is litigated in a pretrial motion hearing. Uploaders will have legal redress and complaint mechanisms to challenge content removal decisions. Chris Stokel-Walker, By As you can probably guess, this means a huge number of sites – from fishing forums to niche social networks – that will need to install upload filters. In order to see this embed, you must give consent to Social Media cookies. Print + digital, only £19 for a year. How much of an article has to be shared before a platform has to pay the publisher? Sometimes referred to as the 'link tax', Article 11 is aimed at tech giants which … Article 13 CISG and Article 1:301(6) PECL neither expressly nor implicitly deal with other questions of interpretation of declarations, statements and communications by the parties (these are subject to Article 8 CISG and Articles 5:101 PECL et seq. No one is really sure how this one would work either. Oliver Patel. In a second blog post on November 12 she said there were "unintended consequences" of Article 13. The interest deduction limitation resulting from article 13l CITA may, in certain circumstances, not be allowed under EU law. Article 13 (Modification intégrée au c. E-3, a. "The text only requires that [platforms] either license or remove copyrighted material.". Consulter l'article # Lancer la recherche d'un LATMP. ", Alongside the official YouTube explainer, the page hosts a handful of reaction and comment videos from prominent YouTubers. – The games industry should be worried about Google Stadia, – How the petition to revoke Article 50 went viral, – I tried to keep my baby secret from Facebook and Google, – Care about online privacy? Le meilleur moyen pour trouver votre information est de faire une recherche en utilisant le moteur de recherche de notre site. YouTube, and YouTubers, have become the most vocal opponents of the proposal. 6. Our freedom of expression online is too precious to be wasted as ammo in a corporate battle.". We explain why, By The Information We Collect and Process This site collects and processes two basic types of information: Personally identifiable information: This is information that personally identifies one individual from another or enables you to be individually contacted (for example, names, e-mail addresses and other contact information). In favour of the Directive are industry bodies representing content producers. Mary Honeyball, a British Labour MEP who supports Article 13, says. Boiled down, all this article is saying is that any websites that host large amounts of user-generated content (think YouTube, Twitter and Facebook) are responsible for taking down that content if it infringes on copyright. Consulter l'article # Lancer la recherche d'un LSST. Although the Article 13 vote has been passed by the European Parliament, this doesn't mean its provisions take place straight away. The only way a site that hosts user-generated content can avoid putting in place a upload filter is if it fulfils all three of the following criteria: it has been available for fewer than three years; it has an annual turnover below €10 million; it had fewer than five million unique monthly visitors. The Directive does contain an exemption for “legitimate private and non-commercial use of press publications by individual users,” so it doesn’t look like individuals sharing links on social platforms will have to dip into their pockets. But as with the articles above, all of this depends on how the directive is interpreted by member states when they make it into national law. Clothilde Goujard. The European Union Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market is a European Union directive that is designed to limit how copyrighted content is shared on online platforms. In a tweet, the Prime Minister's office said that the entire directive "fuels censorship and threatens freedom of expression.". A subreddit for discussion of Article 13 of the *Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on copyright in the Digital Single Market* and how we can protest it. Quoi faire si un accident du travail survient dans votre entreprise? But even this is open to interpretation. 1978, c. 5, a. A defense motion for Article 13 credit is generally made before pleas are entered. Sorry, you have entered an invalid email. Message the mods. The Directive on Copyright and its most controversial component, Article 13, requires online platforms to filter or remove copyrighted material from their websites. Members. But things aren’t quite that simple. The Census Bureau is bound by Title 13 of the United States Code. Cette dernière transmet alors … The reason why this article has been dubbed the “meme ban” is that no one is sure whether memes, which are often based on copyrighted images, will fall foul of these laws. Moderators. The other side of the debate, critics of the Directive, include the influential Silicon Valley lobbying group the CCIA, whose members include Google, Facebook, eBay, Amazon and Netflix. They form part of the wider regulations which were passed. Get WIRED Daily, your no-nonsense briefing on all the biggest stories in technology, business and science. However, Article 13 of the directive raises serious questions about the implications for free expression, creativity, and the freedom to publish. This site uses cookies to improve your experience and deliver personalised advertising. On y stipule plutôt que les actes de procédure et la présentation de la preuve d’une affaire « doivent être proportionnés à sa nature et à sa complexité ». YouTube's current Content ID gives copyright owners the right to claim ownership of content already live on YouTube. James Temperton, iStock/Antonio Guillem/Getty/Joe Sohm/Visions of America. Historique d'un dossier Ce service en ligne vous donne accès au plumitif, c'est-à-dire l'historique des événements inscrits à votre dossier ou à tout autre dossier du Tribunal, et ce, de la réception de l'acte introductif jusqu'à la décision finale. Is someone with a huge following on social media, who posts adverts to that audience, a “private and non-commercial” entity? The remaining 19 member states all voted for the directive. The passing of Article 13 in the European Parliament may be a disquieting sign of mass internet censorship. Democrats in the House of Representatives on Tuesday evening released the final text of their resolution to impeach President Donald Trump, charging him with "incitement of insurrection." You have successfully subscribed to our newsletter. Les lois et règlements ont une valeur juridique et ont priorité en tout temps. Press publications “may obtain fair and proportionate remuneration for the digital use of their press publications by information society service providers,” the Directive states. Il énonce les moyens d'obtenir l'équivalent de l'apposition d'un sceau, d'un cachet, d'un tampon, d'un timbre ou d'un autre instrument suivant les finalités recherchées par l'utilisation de ces instruments et marques. Article 13 of the EU's new copyright directive has sparked huge controversy online, with YouTube campaigning strongly against the proposal. It's an already unpopular system due to its propensity for false positives and abuse, and this would be heightened if potentially infringing videos could not be uploaded at all. Welcome to WIRED UK. 2). These laws not only provide authority for the work we do, but also provide strong protection for the information we collect from individuals and businesses. This is the part of the Directive on Copyright that has most people worried. TRIAL OFFER Article 13: Right to freedom of movement Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each State. Consulter LATMP. Proponents of the Directive on Copyright argue that this means that people are listening to, watching and reading copyrighted material without the creators being properly paid for it. It will now be up to the EU's member states to enact Article 13 and the Copyright Directive. "And, if implemented as proposed, Article 13 threatens hundreds of thousands of jobs, European creators, businesses, artists and everyone they employ," she continued, before directing readers to the take the argument to social media with the hashtag "#SaveYourInternet". The system then allows them to either block the video or monetise it by running advertising against it. Vous êtes ici : Accueil Topo-SST LITAT. By By Emiliano Mellino. On April 15, 2019, the European Council – the political body composed of government ministers from each of the 28 EU member states – voted to adopt into EU law the copyright directive as passed by the European Parliament in March. Qui paie la formation pour le secourisme en milieu de travail? Article offers stylish modern, mid century, and scandinavian furniture from world renowned designers at accessible prices. On June 12 a large group of internet grandees including Wikipedia founder Jimmy Wales and Tim Berners-Lee signed an open letter arguing against the Directive. It's a once-a-week deal, so don't worry about us clogging up your inbox. Greg Williams. 13. 13. R.R.Q., 1981, c. N-1.1, r. 3, a. Created Jun 13, 2018. Il est assez difficile de prédire comment les juges interpréteront ce concept vague et imprécis dans un dossier complexe, tel un dossie… In one reaction video the YouTuber Craig Thompson, who has just under half a million subscribers, summed it up like this: "Gamers are dead, you guys are dead, I'm dead, we're all dead, let's go drink.". u/Jackson1442. 1.5k. Therefore one country may decide that "upload filters" should be implemented using one tool, while another may understand the law in a different. Shop now. Evidence uncovered so far, including weapons and tactics seen on surveillance video, suggests a level of planning that has led investigators to believe the … Not quite. This article states that “online content sharing service providers and right holders shall cooperate in good faith in order to ensure that unauthorised protected works or other subject matter are not available on their services.” You can read the full amended text of the entire Directive here. In the video, Matt Koval, a content strategist at YouTube argues that – in its current form – Article 13 "threatens hundreds of thousands of creators, artists and others employed in the creative economy. "Lawmakers looked at copyright primarily through one very particular lens: that of big media companies, with their waning control over distribution channels," she argued in an editorial. But it's not completely over yet. L'article 13 prévoit qu'il est possible de constituer, à l'aide des technologies, l'équivalent fonctionnel d'un sceau sur support papier ou d'un autre instrument semblable. Gian Volpicelli. The Directive on Copyright has gained vocal critics on both sides of the debate, but you can broadly chunk up defenders and detractors into two categories. On May 23, the Polish Prime Minister's office announced it would bring a court case against Article 13 to the Court of Justice of the European Union. "The greatest public space we've ever invented mustn't become a casualty of attempts to use copyright law to solve problems not caused by it in the first place. Now it's time for another update. So what does it mean? Article 13. Considering the recently issued guidance by the IFRS Interpretations Committee for Uncertain Tax Provisions (UTPs), a (re)assessment … Get WIRED Weekly, your essential catch-up on the most important, interesting and unusual WIRED stories from the past seven days. ‘Proposal for a Directive of the European Parliament and of the Council on Copyright in the Digital Single Market LITAT. Since then, Wojcicki has been writing again. EU directives are a form of legislation that set an objective for member states to achieve. Under Article 13 ordinary people will have more legal security to post and share content. It's become known by the most controversial segment, Article 13, which critics claim will have a detrimental impact on creators online. A popup on the YouTube website and app directs users to a page with the title "#saveyourinternet" which includes a video from YouTube explaining the firm's objections to the directive. By James Temperton. The final wording of Article 13 sets out exactly which platforms will need upload filters and which ones won't. “Article 13 as written threatens to shut down the ability of millions of people — from creators like you to everyday users — to upload content to platforms like YouTube.” Her major stated concern is that by using filters to block copyrighted content, all copyrighted content could be blocked, even when it involves fair use. By Required fields are marked * Comment. Online. Article 13 wants to force platforms to install censoring algorithms; robots scanning every upload for copyrighted material and then censoring it out before it is uploaded. by entering your email address, you agree to our privacy policy, By You will hear from us shortly. Big changes are coming to online copyright across the European Union. No one can quite agree how these platforms are expected to identify and remove this content. Le membre fait preuve de réserve et de prudence dans son comportement public, notamment dans l’utilisation des technologies de l’information et des communications. The changes have proved controversial, with critics being opposed to two specific parts of the law: Article 11 and Article 13. Article 11 can be considered easier to comprehend than Article 13. Title 13, U.S. Code. Matt Reynolds. "Article 13 as written threatens to shut down the ability of millions of people – from creators like you to everyday users – to upload content to platforms like YouTube," she wrote. Until now, platforms have been accused of arbitrary decisions and practices. Il est possible que la page que vous cherchez n'existe plus. Présence au travail, pauses et repos hebdomadaire, Formation des travailleuses et travailleurs, Licenciement, mise à pied, congédiement et démission, Catégories de travailleuses et travailleurs, Travailleuses et travailleurs d’agences de placement de personnel, Travailleuses et travailleurs de l’industrie du vêtement, Travailleuses et travailleurs étrangers temporaires, Travailleuses et travailleurs saisonniers, Étudiantes et étudiants travaillant dans une colonie de vacances, Rechercher par type de risque ou domaine d'activité, Comment prendre en charge la santé et la sécurité du travail dans votre entreprise, Conditions gagnantes en santé et sécurité du travail, Des capsules de formation pour accompagner votre prise en charge, Conférence et entrevues vidéo avec nos experts, Programme de secourisme en milieu de travail. It’s worth noting that despite the Directive including an exception that explicitly excludes Wikipedia and GitHub from these rules, both companies have maintained their opposition to the Directive. These include the Society of Authors, and the UK-based Alliance for Intellectual Property and Proponents. The clocks change tonight – but it won’t happen for much longer, Thierry Breton’s guide to taking on Big Tech (and winning), Google and Microsoft staff set to join the UK’s first tech trade union, Stay Alert never made sense and now we’ve got the data to prove it, The big lesson from coronavirus? Sur réception d’un acte introductif dans une affaire relevant de la division de la santé et de la sécurité du travail, le Tribunal en délivre une copie aux autres parties et à la Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail. La semaine normale de travail du salarié qui effectue des travaux sur le territoire de la région de la Baie-James est de 55 heures. This could put a stop to viral sports GIFs and might even stop people who attended matches from posting photos to social media. Les règlements actuels de la CLP et de la CRT prévoient explicitement que le tribunal n’est pas tenu à l’application des règles de procédure et de preuve civiles. By In your inbox every weekday at 12pm UK time. Morgan Meaker, By The Directive states that platforms won’t have to pay if they’re sharing “mere hyperlinks which are accompanied by individual words,” but since most links are accompanied by more than a couple of words it seems that many platforms and news aggregators would fall foul of this rule. You may have seen Article 13 described as a “meme killer.” But is the EU banning memes for real? The European Union Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market, to use its full name, requires the likes of YouTube, Facebook and Twitter to take more responsibility for copyrighted material being shared illegally on their platforms. We need to listen to the experts, How London’s Silicon Roundabout dream turned into a nightmare, The end of Privacy Shield spells trouble for Brexit Britain, Here's why the UK is (finally) dumping Article 13 for good, The gloomy saga of Article 13 just got a whole lot worse, Inside the giant German protest trying to bring down Article 13, How the internet reacted to the European Union passing Article 13, European Union Directive on Copyright in the Digital Single Market. It’s this article that people think could be interpreted as requiring platforms to ban memes, but more on that later. Open my cookie preferences. 13. 13. Then change your phone number. "Some [online platforms] fear that Article 13 requires the implementation of automated ‘upload filters'. To help clear things up, here’s WIRED’s guide to the EU Directive on Copyright. Where personal data relating to a data subject are collected from the data subject, the controller shall, at the time when personal data are obtained, provide the data subject with all of the following information: the identity and the contact details of the controller and, where applicable, of the controller’s representative; the contact details of … Continue reading Art. However, Article 13 makes no such requirement and in fact states that automated blocking should be avoided," Honeyball says in a statement. You can opt out at any time or find out more by reading our cookie policy. Proponents of the legislation argue that memes are protected as parodies and so aren’t required to be removed under this directive, but others argue that filters won’t be able to distinguish between memes and other copyrighted material so they’d end up being caught in the crossfire anyway. Or, aucun article du projet de règlement ne traite de cette question. "The parliament’s approach is unrealistic in many cases because copyright owners often disagree over who owns what rights," she wrote. Unless the Polish court case changes anything – and that's a big if – individual member states will have two years to turn the new rules into their own national law. OMG HAII GUYS~~ I AM SO SO SO SO SO HAPPY THAT ARTICLE 13 HAS NOT BEEN APPROVED AND THAT I CAN CONTINUE MAKING VIDEOS FOR YOU!!!!! Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country. After years of debate and negotiations, politicians have passed sweeping changes following a final vote in the European Parliament. Thank You. We help companies engage with their stakeholders to deliver sustainability strategies, materiality and reporting with a difference. As such, the first time this issue can be raised is once the case is referred to a court-martial. In June 2018 84 European music and media organisations, including Universal Music Group and Waner Music Group publicly declared their support for the Directive. Notre site s'est métamorphosé pour mieux vous servir. By LSST. Interprétation. Each country within the EU will be able to interpret the law and how it should be implemented in its own ways. Still, Article 13 could end up being a turning point in how users interact with content online. On October 22, YouTube CEO Susan Wojcicki published a blogpost warning against the impact of the Directive. Article 12a might stop anyone who isn’t the official organiser of a sports match from posting any videos or photos of that match. "Article 13 as written threatens to shut down the ability of millions of people – from creators like you to everyday users – to upload content to platforms like YouTube," she wrote. 13. Accident du travail et maladie professionnelle, Services en ligne et formulaires - Travailleurs, Agences de recrutement de travailleurs étrangers temporaires, Campagnes de sensibilisation et promotion. In the European Parliament the lead MEP presenting the directive to Parliament is Axel Voss, a German MEP and member of the European People’s Party. Please refresh and try again. I have already covered the article 3 and the EUs attempt to regulate the internet in 2 previous videos. Sur réception d’un acte introductif dans une affaire relevant de la division de la santé et de la sécurité du travail, le Tribunal en délivre une copie aux autres parties et à la Commission des normes, de l’équité, de la santé et de la sécurité du travail. An earlier version of the Directive referred to “proportionate content recognition technologies” which sounds an awful lot like it’s asking platform owners to use automated filters to scan every piece of uploaded content and stop anything that might violate copyright from being uploaded.